Tess turned 21, made her relationship “Facebook official”, and was hospitalized for the first time…….all in one week!

Sidenote: When Tess made the phone call home, I was participating in Walking Club. Here is what I saw when I left the house at 5:50 a.m. to go walking. Eeekkkkk.

I might take a flashlight next time.
It seems as though Tess may have Kidney stones, which I hear is extremely painful! She for certain has a Kidney Infection. 🙁
I hated being an hour and a half away from her when she called, but I’m so happy she is close enough for me to go to. I guess it proves no matter how old your kids are, you want to be there when they’re sick.
(She did not approve the above photo, however, I think it’s similar to her “First Day of School” photo that she did approve, so I don’t think she’ll mind.)
I could feel a little anxiety set in as I was getting ready to make the drive to see her. I called my mom to cancel our coffee date we had scheduled, and she made me promise to “get calm” before I got in the car to make the drive. I promised. So I made myself a quick breakfast, took care of the dogs, then threw a kind of, sort of, overnight bag in the car. On the drive, I thought of all the things I would usually take overnight, that I forgot. I felt a little guilty taking the time to cook eggs, but they stay with me a while, and I wasn’t sure what the rest of the day had in store for me food wise, or otherwise for that matter.
I got to the hospital at 9:30 a.m. Apparently I just missed the Doctor (of course I did). It’s because I stopped to cook those damned eggs! Seems as though they want to keep her 24 to 48 hours to keep any eye on her and see if she passes any stones. Poor thing. She is hooked up to the IV and receiving antibiotics and pain meds.
So we spent the day napping, visiting with the many friends that stopped by, eating lunch, watching movies, more napping, eating dinner and MORE napping. Those pain meds are STRONG!
Prayers for the least painful night possible and a speedy recovery are appreciated.
Now for the days eats……
My Guilty Breakfast
Egg Whites, Cheese, English Muffin
Peanut Butter, Banana

Tess’ lunch……she said it wasn’t bad.
She ate the Chicken Breast, Steamed Carrots (which she actually really likes), potatoes (her favorite food, no matter the preparation) and the dinner roll. Then she drifted off to sleep……

I went to the grocery store to buy her some magazines, and make myself a salad. I put a little Macaroni salad in there because I didn’t like any of the dressing choices, and I needed a little something to “mix in”. I am guessing Heavy on the points.
10 PPV?

The hospital is tiny, but truly has everything you would need as a Visitor. Starbucks, Free Wifi, nice lounge area, lots of TV’s and a small Cafeteria with lots of options. I made another salad.
The cheese cubes were for Tess. I had chicken, kidney beans, eggs, lots of veggies, and pickled beets. Why doesn’t everyone love pickled beets?? Again, not happy with the dressing choices, so ate it dry. Boring, I know. But I was really hungry and it was fine.

I grabbed a banana and a packet of peanut butter to have with some coffee later this evening. I have no idea where I am sleeping at this point, so I just might watch movies on the computer and drink coffee all night! And I have great Girly magazines!

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 6
Coffee with Milk = 2
Lunch = 10
Dinner = 7
Total = 25
Activity Points Earned Today = 3
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 45
How many glasses of water I drank today = 6
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Oh my – poor Tess! This has been one wild week for her, huh? Kidney infections / stones are so painful, I hope she feels better soon.
Oh No! Praying for Tess a speedy recovery and for you and your family!
Poor Tesser!! Get well soon, love youuu!
poor Tess.. I hope she’s able to sleep tonight. Glad you were able to stick to your diet, I know how stressful seeing your baby in pain can be. Hang in there Tess!!!
Oh man! That sucks! Poor Tess! Give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery.