I enjoyed my Labor Day morning in my P.J.’s, catching up on blogging and laundry and sipping coffee. Did you know that Labor Day has been celebrated since the 1800’s?? Neither did I!
When I finally changed out of my P.J.’s, it was 1:00 p.m. and I hopped on the treadmill. While deciding if I wanted to listen to Pandora for an hour, or watch TV, I discovered Julie and Julia was just beginning! I LOVE this movie! I love the stories, I love the cooking, I love the blogging, I love the title, I love it all! I lost all track of time, and walked for 85 minutes, remembering that my original blogging bug came from this movie!
One of my Favorite Movies!

When I did get off the treadmill……At 5.0 miles…….

…….Tucker got on it, as if to say……”Please take ME for a walk!”
Later Buddy, I’m exhausted!

Today’s eats……….
Egg whites again……but NOT tomorrow……
With bacon and cheeeeese……

Perfect Omelet……3 PPV
Toast with Pumpkin Butter, 3 PPV
Strawberries, 0 PPV

I am loving my Louisburg Cider Mill Pumpkin Butter
1 T. = 15 calories!

Yummy, filling breakfast with a variety of favors!

Post treadmill snack
Greek yogurt and Strawberries

I later snacked on some almonds and Kashi cereal, but never really did have lunch? I guess lunch was almonds and Kashi?
I did get away without having to grocery shop today, but tomorrow is a must, and the fridge is BARE!
Dinner was tasty!
Baked Tilapia
Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Grilled asparagus
Total PPV = 11

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 6
Snack = 5
Snack = 2
Dinner = 11
Total = 24
Activity Points Earned Today = 7
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 23
How many glasses of water I drank today = 12
I actually discovered the blog that the movie was based on. Now I am going to check it out!
The Blog the Movie was Based On!

What’s YOUR favorite movie?
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Yay! What’s your mailing address?
YES!! Let me pay you!
I would love to mail you a jar of mine. You interested??
I should re watch that one. All I can think of is an umbrella and a red and white striped jacket! 🙂
My daughter watched Julie and Julia this weekend. I havent watched the movie but I did enjoy the book. Your omelets always look so good and I am on the search for some good pumpkin butter without a bunch of added “stuff” in it. Have a great Tuesday!
Mary Poppins has always been my favorite movie. She’s my idol…I want to be just like Mary Poppins when I grow up!