My day started off as my typical Friday does. Snuggled in bed with the dogs, one cup of coffee, then to my WW meeting. Things went as suspected. I stayed the same…..

The way I look at it, I’m just fighting that 8.6 pounds right now, then I can worry about the final ten that will get me to 150. But these eight pounds are really wanting to hang on to me! I don’t know if my body is so used to this being my average weight that it doesn’t want to let go or what, but it is really getting old.
Despite the numbers on the scale, I was in a really good mood and had lots on my “to do list”, and I was feeling productive, so I headed home to get started. The weather was gorgeous, and I was ready to open up the windows and let the fresh, crisp air in! I walked the dogs for a good 30 minutes, then I went for a 45 minute walkjogrunjogwalk, then I mowed the lawn, then Tucker got out and took off, so more RUNNING! 🙂 Only now I was running with a leash in one hand, and a treat in the other…..yelling…..”TUCKER! WANT A TREAT?” the little booger!
I’d say I earned a few activity points!
Time to get pretty! Headed out to dinner with friends to discuss some upcoming trips we are planning together! The first trip? Road trip in an RV to Memphis! I have never been, and it sounds like a great time!
Here are the days eats……
Egg Whites
Laughing Cow Cheese Wedge

Omelette and Dark Chocolate VitaTop

WW Salted Caramel Smoothie (new flavor!)


Hawaiian Chicken Skewers for Dinner!

2 beers
Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 6
Snack = 2
Dinner = 6
Beer = 8
Total = 22
Activity Points Earned Today = 5
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 49
How many glasses of water I drank today = 6
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Hey Libby! So sorry about your husband and his ankle! That stinks! I hope it heals soon. Congrats on the 10K! Sooooo impressed! Have an awesome week!
oops..Andy is a Battalion Chief…gotta get that right.
Yum! I saw those shakes and wondered how they were. Our WW had a big open house yesterday and was going to have shake samples..I had planned on going but wed. night around 11pm, I got a call from my husband Andy. He is a Battalion for a fire dept. He was on a fire call and fell in a 3ft hole and broke his ankle. Its is a bad break and too swollen still for a cast, waiting for an MRI. SO I had a 10k yesterday (I did great!!) then had to rush home to help him out so I didnt want to leave him again. Thank goodness I was able to swing by and get a pumpkin spice latte to have with my peanut butter/pumpkin butter sandwich!! Perfect post run treat! sorry I went on and on..I’m going crazy stuck here with this baby!