I had a super busy morning on Tuesday…..Twittering, Facebooking, Blogging, Emailing, and Pinteresting. I may eat entirely from Pinterest this Fall. But then I saw this and melted. You know from reading, I am in love with my dogs, but never have I been so excited about taking pictures of a dog. But you guys, seriously……..Tucker LOVES to have his picture taken!
Maybe its the breed? Because I found this dog that looks just like him, and apparently a dog owner that is maybe crazier than I am!!!

I am just throwing this out there, but I am pretty sure Tucker will be having a birthday party this summer, and we will be making these cupcakes, Weight Watcher friendly, of course. You know the thought of it makes you smile.
Breakfast was simple. Toast with Pumpkin Butter (Thank you, Louisburg Cider Mill)

The Leftovers are now gone. 🙁

Roasted Veggies mixed with my Roasted Onions


After spending a ridiculously gorgeous morning inside, I HAD TO GET OUT! I took both dogs for our usual “Sniff & Stroll”, then Tucker and I prepared for a long, long walk. I am letting my hair grow out, today anyhow, and I am totally rocking this ponytail!!

What do you mean…..”What ponytail?”
We walked for an hour and a half. We were both equally tired when we got home. He lapped up a bowl water, as did I. But with a straw……and in a glass.
Then I enjoyed a Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie!

Outside, of course.

Taco Stew topped with One Taco Shell, Greek Yogurt, WW Cheese

And 1 Bud Light.

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 3
Lunch = 5
Snack = 3
Dinner = 11
Total = 22
Activity Points Earned Today = 4
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 0
How many glasses of water I drank today = 9
The “Dog Days of Summer” are officially over this weekend! Fall begins!
I can’t get DOGS off the brain!
These made me giggle……..

My favorite!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I love those cupcakes!! You should make them, but if you go to buying dog butt candles we are going to worry aout you;)