It really amazes me what a little “self talk” can do for me and my moods. Since my “Deep” post on Saturday morning, I really feel great. I guess I am just one of those people that needs a pep talk every couple of weeks, and I guess the pep talk needs to come from me! Who knows what we need better than our own self?

Another great day enjoying the gorgeous weather! I love to sleep with the windows open when its cool outside. Luckily, Mike doesn’t seem to mind. We both just seem to sleep better. It must have worked great, because we didn’t get out of bed until 9:00 Sunday morning!
I love to sleep in, wake up and start with a little coffee, then fill the house with the smell of bacon!
Sometimes a late Sunday Breakfast is just what we need to get our Sunday off to a great start.
Breakfast… 10:30
Toast with Pumpkin Butter
Breakfast Scramble
Egg Whites, One Egg, Potatoes, Bacon Crumbles, WW Shredded Cheese…..all topped with a little salsa.


Uh……this little guy was tasty. Kashi Go Lean Peanut Butter & Chocolate
10 G protein

Then we went to my In-Law’s house. Mike’s dad is out of town and his mom is on a roll getting all of her projects marked off the “To Do List”. A new ramp was needed for the shed in the backyard, so Mike and his brother went to work!
Check THAT task off the list!
I took this picture while sitting on the deck with one of our grandsons (he got to spend the night with Great Grandma!) and my Mother-In-Law. I was busy coloring away with Malik! I forgot how much I love to color!

After all the work was done, (the building and the coloring) we enjoyed some ribs, tater tots, salad and fruit. I brought leftover ribs from the wedding in July. They were taking up lots of space in my freezer and I knew Mike and his brother would be good and hungry after an afternoon of hard work. I put them in the oven for a while on low, and they surprisingly tasted almost as good as they did fresh! I ate FIVE! (Totally forgot to take pics)
Then we headed home so I could walk the dogs, then get a good walk in myself.
It’s been a great weekend!
Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 10
Lunch = 5
Snack (latte, apple) = 2 PPV
Dinner = 15
Total = 32
Activity Points Earned Today = 2
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 31
How many glasses of water I drank today = 8
This print is small, but the meaning, to me, is so BIG!

All you Have To Do Is Be Yourself.
And Live The Story That No One Else Can Live.
The Story Of Your Own Unique Life.
Be Proud.
Be Confident.
And Most Of All, Be Happy.
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
As much as we love them, boys just don’t always make the best patients. I do hope he is better soon though, I am sure he is going crazy being limited. Have a great week, Libby!
Glad you had a great Sunday! The weekends just go by so fast! My husband is on the couch for 2 more weeks:( I feel so bad for all the pain that he is in but, Man!!! I am ready for that boy to go back to work!!!