It was one of those days where everything struck me as……well…..funny.
I put my breakfast on my plate (2 muffins), and as I was getting ready to take the picture, they just looked sooooo lonely. So I added friends, and made a face. But I did just eat the muffins. I made the muffins the night before, and calculated them as 1 PPV. Eating two…….I wondered if 3 PPV might be more accurate.

We met at La Peep? I hadn’t been there in a long time, but was pleased to see they had lots of options. I really wanted the Banana Pecan Pancake special……but went with the Turkey Egg White Omelet instead, and it ended up being exactly what my taste buds needed!
I ordered the English Muffin dry, but it came buttered, so I ate half. That butter was DELICIOUS,!
Egg White Omelette with turkey sausage and avocado
English Muffin
11 PPV? (Sometimes, you just have to guess)

So I got some great guidance and a trim from my dear Lorrie.
Then I stopped at Starbucks for just a short visit and a Tall (small) Latte.
While there, and elderly gentleman sitting beside me pulled out his cell phone. Most people his age (sorry, Mom) seem to speak very loudly into their cell phones. I don’t get that, but it always make me giggle. So he yells into the phone…..
“I tried to call your cell phone earlier, but I got a busy signal.”
I snorted immediately. This tends to happen often when I laugh, but don’t mean to laugh. (I think that snorting started in grade school…….and I’ve had to live with it ever since.) Then he continued to argue with the person on the other end that …..Yes, he did in fact call the right number, and got a busy signal.
Ahhhhhhhh……….Old People make me giggle.
Then I came home and tackled bills! Ick.
Those crunchy carrots got me through the stress…..

EIGHT POINTS! Glad I weighed it.

2 PPV.



I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 3
Brunch = 11
Snack (carrots, latte) = 2
Dinner = 13
Total = 29
Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 23
How many glasses of water I drank today = 12

You crack me up with your “lame husband” comments!
The run sounds awesome! I signed up for Bootcamp this week and my first class is 9:00 am Saturday morning! Eeekkkkk.
We have dinner plans with a girlfriend of mine and our husbands, whom have never met, so should be fun!
Have fun visiting your daughter. I think I might go see mine next Saturday. Have a great weekend!
Yum! Your salmon salad looks very good! Do you have any weekend plans? I am running saturday morning with a Moms running group. We are running a 15k course that will be a big local race here at the end of October. Saturday is my daughters birthday (22) so I will be loading up my still lame husband to drive down and see her and to celebrate! Enjoy your weekend!