I have decided to make my Friday blog a Reflection of what I think worked for me, or didn’t work for me that particular week.
If you are trying to lose weight, and you don’t currently journal or track your food and exercise, I highly recommend it! Tracking allows you to go back through your week and see what choices may have affected your results at the scale, whether a gain or a loss.
It’s funny how things work sometimes. I had great success at the scale this week and I was able to enjoy Pizza, Beer, Ribs, Starbucks, a Grilled Panini and some cinnamon sugar Pumpkin Muffins. Those were some of my favorite things I had this week, all in moderation. I focused on the power foods this week and never felt hungry.
I only got exercise in twice this week, so that wasn’t great, but I did lose 2 pounds, which got me back to 165, finally! I said I would be giddy when I hit 164 for the first time in YEARS, and hopefully next Friday will be major giddiness!
I made two new recipes, as I planned to do in last weeks “Reflection” post.
I made Pizza’s using Portabella Mushrooms as the crust. We loved them! I will make those again for sure!
I modified the Pumpkin Poppers and turned them from 3 PPV a piece to 1 PPV. Honestly, they were so good I had to give some away and freeze the rest.
That was my successful week in a nutshell!
Friday started off with a cloudy sky, a cool morning, windows open and coffee in bed with the dogs.
Then I headed to my meeting hoping I might see 164 something……….
Hey, I only missed it by four tenths! But this is my lowest yet and that is the first time that number to the far right has said -42! Yay!

The meeting was awesome, as always. My WW Leader started off the meeting by passing around a XLARGE ziplock bag with EIGHT pounds of fat in it! It was gross. And it is just plain CRAZY how heavy EIGHT pounds is! I mean I’m thinking….”That’s the extra weight on my butt and thighs!”
Once we all came out of our coma from shock, the meeting continued.
Oh! I think the 2 goals thing is a great idea! We always go to my MIL’s and my SIL’s are all beautiful and always look so good, I’m always the fat SIL. I have always been so jealous of their Fall boots and jeans….Guess what I’m vowing to wear this year??!! I know that you can reach your goals!! You will have a happy birthday and Thanksgiving!
It was LARD! It really was gross. :). I usually wear elastic waistband for Thanksgiving…..maybe I’ll be brave and wear Jeans this year!! My Birthday is on Thanksgiving this year and I was really hoping to be at 150, but looks like I may have to settle for 160. I am really hoping that happens. That’s a little over five pounds. We had to write down two goals we would like to achieve by then, and put them in an envelope for her to give us back the day after Thanksgiving. My two things were…..1. Be constant in my exercise routine. 2. Try two new foods or recipes each week. I GET BORED SOOOOO EASY! New things help me keep on track. Sorry to babbbbble! 🙂
Ew! What kind of fat did she have in the bag! I cant picture it…which is probably why I am craving your breakfast sandwich right now!! I loved the 8 weeks to Thanksgiving meeting at WW! One of the tips was to think about what you will wear to a T.giving event. I love that! I am looking forward to each week!