I keep Plain Nonfat Greek on hand all the time now. I use it as a sour cream replacement and have used it in a few recipes. It has a ridiculous amount of protein in it, so I want to use it as often as possible. I had heard that using jam or preserves is just like buying it with fruit in it. So I gave it a try and I was pleasantly surprised!
Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt (2 PPV)
1/4 C Kashi GoLean (1 PPV)
1 T Blackberry Jam (1 PPV)

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I eat tons of greek yogurt so I will be trying this! For a snack yesterday I had plain greek yogurt with a chopped peach and a little drizzle of honey. So good! Next time I think I will add some cereal for crunch!