Well, inside the box, or outside the box……we are out of groceries! But I am making a grocery list for Monday, and while I am shopping, I will buy something that I have never tried and give it a go…….
Have YOU tried anything “Outside the Box” lately?

I had that lonely little egg, a little milk, and I always have my Trader Joes Bread in the freezer.
My first thought? French Toast. My second thought? French Toast. 🙂
I topped my two slices of French Toast with Pumpkin Butter……ohhhh sooooo good.
Kiwi’s and an Orange

I highly recommend Pumpkin Butter on French Toast. You think the French do that? I Googled…..”Do French people eat French Toast?” Yes. I really do, do stupid stuff like that all the time. Here is what I found that some lady said. I believe most things I read.
They call it either “pain doré” which translates to “golden bread” or more commonly “pain perdu” which mans “lost bread” because they use day-old or stale bread to make it.
It’s not popular like it is here, and they also don’t really eat it as a breakfast food, they’d be more likely to have it as a dessert. (but they’d consider it a very “country style” dessert….
The reason we call it “french” toast is simply because it’s made with eggs & cream, which are typical ingredients in french cooking.
My hubby is from France.
No references found as to whether they would eat Pumpkin Butter on it, but if they don’t, they should.

Lots of meals out this weekend. My niece and I went to lunch together on Sunday and enjoyed a little “Girl Time” on the Plaza.
This is the two of us a couple of weeks ago. 🙂

She really wanted Pasta for lunch. Who am I to argue?

I chose the Apple Gorgonzola Salad.
I can’t find anything that tells me this was less than 25 PPV! That really chaps my hide! Must have been the dressing and the pecans! Of course I discovered this about three hours after I ate the darn thing!

For dinner we had taco salad. In order to enjoy my tacos, but have as few points as possible, yet fill up…………I started with a bowl full of peppers and carrots.

Then I added the taco meat (4 PPV)….a little cheese (1 PPV)….. And some sour cream (1 PPV)…..and gave it all a good stir.

Then I loaded up one white corn tortilla………..

And then another………and topped them with some smashed up avocado, the best part. (2 PPV)

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 5
Lunch = 25 (this is dumb…it was an Apple Salad)
Dinner = 10
Total = 40
Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 8
How many glasses of water I drank today = 12
Egads! Easy does Monday….Tuesday…..Wednesday……Thursday.
Thank Goodness for Bootcamp! (Which did make me ridiculously sore!)

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
The salad is high because of the dressing and the nuts. I am wondering if the nuts were glazed? If so, that makes them super high in calories and points. A lot of nuts can get hidden in a salad. I always pick all of the nuts out of a salad and set them on the side. Then I eat the salad and purposefully eat just a few nuts, counting them in addition to what I would normally count for the salad. Also, even though it’s not as much fun, dressing on the side is the way to go. It just makes it so much easier to count the calories or the points. Many, many salads have glazed nuts in them now, and many, many salads have over 1000 calories in them by the time you add in the nuts and dressing.
Jules, I am so glad you started boot camp again! I know it took a commitment on your part, but after a year of boot camp you will feel so good and be Smokin’ Hot!!! A year of boot camp? Oh yeah, you’ll be younger next year, for sure!!!
Why was that salad was so high? That just doesnt sound right..wonder if its counting the fruits as free? It sounds really good! that French toast does too!