A perfect Fall weekend full of Football, fun, friends, family and doing all of the things I love…….(not so perfect on the food side of things).
I tried too. I planned snacks, I drank my water, I shared my meals, I did drink beer, but within reason.
I did not get in exercise, I did not get in enough power foods.
Here’s how things played out……
Friday was busy and full and productive, and ended with a night out with girlfriends. We had shopping and art planned for the evening, but when we all met up, staying inside the warm cozy bar and chatting and laughing the night away, won over the shopping and art.

Who would want to leave THIS?

Saturday morning I was headed to Pitt State for a little GORILLA NATION fun! I was excited to see my daughter and attend the Pitt State Football game for my first time! I believe I was the only parent in the “STAND THE WHOLE GAME STUDENT SECTION!” But you know I had a really good time……AND……Gorillas won the game!!

After the game……..pizza and hot chocolate on Mom for EVERYONE! Well, almost everyone. That apartment was full! More Fall Fun! I spent the night with Tess, then on Sunday, the two of us slept in………..she slept a little longer than I……….

……then we spent the afternoon at Buffalo Wild Wings with a Bloody Mary and the Bloody Chiefs!

Then a little shopping. I miss that kid like CRAZY sometimes!
I drove home Sunday evening, certain I would hit a deer, cuz that’s my life. By the time I made it home, no animals were harmed, but my shoulders and my neck were a tight, tense mess, which is NOT helping the shoulder situation at all. But while complaining about my tension to Mike, it was all released when this little girl showed up at my front door……..

I HAVE A GRAND DOG! Meet Olive……I know……precious!
I did journal everything I ate Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Even if I over eat, it really is best to just write it all down anyhow, and hold myself accountable. I stepped on the scale this morning, and I actually wasn’t horrified………so if I can be on my best behavior the remainder of the week, which means planning, exercising and eating Power Foods, I should be okay. For me, okay means I have managed to stay out of the 170’s. I am moving through the 160’s slowly, as I have made clear many times. While this is a “weight loss blog”, my blog is my journey. My blog and journaling my food are a constant reminder of where I’m at, and where I’m going.
So here are the last three days of truth……feel free to skip over this part! 🙂
Kashi, Milk

Turkey, String Cheese
Crackers (not pictured)

Luna Bar, Misto with Skim Milk, banana

Dinner with Girlfriends
Beer and Chicken Quesadilla (not pictured)
30 PPV
The food I ate Friday and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 5
Snack = 7
Lunch = 7
Dinner = 32
Total = 51
Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 24
How many glasses of water I drank today = 9
Egg Whites, bacon bits, Laughing Cow Cheese, Toast

Turkey, String Cheese, Apple, Banana

Beer (tailgating)
11 PPV
When I was a kid, we spent a lot of summers at the lake with my Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. They all had these hats made with Coors cans. I sooooo wish I still had one!

24 PPV

Pretzels and crackers (not pictured)
The food I ate Saturday and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 5
Lunch = 3
Beer = 11
Dinner = 28
Total = 47
Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 3
How many glasses of water I drank today = 11
Apple, Banana (not pictured)
Wings, Pizza, Bloody Mary, potatoes
25 PPV

Luna Bar, coffee, banana

Progreso Italian Style Meatball Soup
Canned Peas
Parmesan Cheese

The food I ate Sunday and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 0
Lunch = 25
Snack = 5
Dinner = 8
Total = 38
Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = -11
How many glasses of water I drank today = 10

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
We bought the big beautiful chewy Thomas pumpkin bagels…they are so good! We bought one bag and I am debating getting one more.
You’re so funny, Libby. I should have done an early morning run! Bootcamp tonight! (A pumpkin bagel sounds soooo good right now!)
You always have the best weekends! I met some friends for an early run sat. morning and had a pumpkin bagel for a “treat” saturday night..that was my wild weekend:(