Sometimes when I’m so excited that I can’t come up with the right words, I just throw in a Holy _______, Batman!
It works…..usually.
I found this recipe on Pinterst. I know….surprise! I can’t help myself.
I tried to make this all last week, and just never had the time. My goal is to try new foods and recipes each week. I think last week the only thing new that I did get in was the Apples In A Bag, which I poured over my oatmeal, and it was delicious, and I will make it again, soon!
I really became fond of Butternut Squash last Fall. So, this is not so much a brand new food for me this year, but this is a brand new recipe.
Click below for the original recipe that I found on Pinterest.
I actually didn’t do the chipotle part of this recipe, and it was a major part of the recipe, but I looked in two different grocery stores and did not find it. But I loved it without! The recipe sounded a little weird to start, but when it was done, and I topped it with the avocado and tortilla strips? Oh so good, and different. A sweet taste with the red onions and red bell pepper. I loved the creaminess the avocado gave it!
You just chop!
Squash, garlic, red bell pepper and red onion…….

Sautéed with some Olive Oil……

Add some spices, canned black beans, canned tomatoes, broth…..

Cook for a bit…..(like an hour)

Top with Tortilla Strips and chunks of avocado!

That was the excitement for the day. Here are the rest of the days eats.
OH! I went to Bootcamp Monday night and I am DYING!!!!
(Drama queen)
Scrambled Egg Whites, Jack Cheese, Bacon Pieces
Toast, Raspberry Jam

Oh…..and coffee…..

Lean Cuisine Spring Rolls
Tomatoes, carrots, red bell pepper, ranch dressing

VitaTop with 1 T. Better N Peanut Butter

So satisfying…….

Butternut Squash Soup

The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 7
Lunch = 6
Snack = 5
Dinner = 8
Total = 26
Activity Points Earned Today = 4
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = (oops…in the negative)
How many glasses of water I drank today = 8

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Yum! I love chili and one of my Fall goals is to cook a butternut squash and an acorn squash! I have had them both but never cooked them. I always love your recipes. I made Lifetime today. I have learned from maintenance that I need to just keep on keeping on! I have lost 83lbs!