It turned out to be a fairly successful week. I did weigh in today, and I am still under 170, but also still playing that 165-168 game. I feel back in the Zone though, so that should change and I feel 164 coming my way!
Today’s meeting was all about Power Foods. I thought I knew what all of them were, but I learned a few things today, so as always, so glad I went to my meeting! Power Foods are basically fruits and veggies, lean meats and whole grains and low fat dairy. One lady said the easiest way to remember what Power Foods are……You can pick it off a tree, or it comes out of the ground, or you can shoot it!!!! Egads! I am NOT shooting anything, but I don’t mind eating it! 🙂
Breakfast was a smoothie for the road.
WW Chocolate Smoothie
2 T PB2 Chocolate
1 frozen Banana
1 C water
6-8 Ice Cubes

After the meeting, I enjoyed a Free Sample bar, compliments of WW!
(Not pictured)
Some friends called to meet them for lunch. We sat outside on this gorgeous November afternoon and had a couple of beers. I ordered a Chicken Taco Salad, No chips, Dressing on the side. It came with BEEF, not CHICKEN! This has been happening a lot lately and I despise sending my food back. I ate it. As is.
It WAS pretty tasty.
10 PPV?
Beer (2) 7

Tucker and I took a beautiful walk. We were gone for over an hour, but with all the sniffing and all the talking he did with the other dogs, I think we only got in just over 2 miles…….

VitaTop with Better N Peanut Butter
(Forgot the picture part)
Sliced Pear, Laughing Cow Cheese Wedge, Raisins

I haven’t been to a High school football game since Tess graduated. She was a cheer leader and I always liked to go and feel the awesome spirit in the air of the students and parents! Friday was a playoff game and the weather was to perfect to NOT go! In the spirit of the game, I had…….
One Beer
This brought back a lot of “Tess” memories! Here come the Tigers!

There was just enough wind to put a little chill in the air, so to show my support, I got a hot chocolate.
We played an awesome game, but with just a few seconds to go, didn’t make it on 4th down, 2 yards to go, and lost 23 to 22.
Sad face…….

Late Dinner/Snack?
Toast, Better N Peanut Butter, Banana, tea

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 3
Snack = 2
Lunch = 10
Beer = 7
Snack = 4
Snack = 2
Beer = 4
Hot Chocolate = 4
Dinner = 3
Total = 39
Activity Points Earned Today = 2
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 36
How many glasses of water I drank today = 6

“love the life you live, live the life you love”