Are you one of those people that expects to be waited on hand and foot on your birthday? Do you expect coffee in bed? Do you expect the phone to ring off the hook from every member of your family wishing you the “Best Birthday Ever!” first thing in the morning? Do you think when you leave your bedroom, you will find the house filled with fresh flowers and birthday packages wrapped beautifully waiting for you? Do you anticipate breakfast cooked for you!
None of that happened.
Instead, we went to my In-Laws and had a wonderful, family filled, food filled, fun filled,
“Perfect Thanksgiving Day!”
This is Mike and I and our four kids……along with significant others and the Grandkids. We took LOTS of pictures, but I think this one is my favorite!

Maybe I WILL send out Christmas cards this year!
I love this one too! It’s EVERYONE that was there, except Aunt Dorothy, who had to hold the camera.

Everything tasted sooo good. No, I did not take pictures. For breakfast, I had coffee, a banana and some eggs, (that I cooked for myself……on my birthday……and I am NOT bitter and I do NOT feel sorry for myself, even if it appears that I do) so I wouldn’t be starving when we ate at noon.
Turkey Dinner!
(Grandpa forgot to smile…….Can ya blame the guy? He just filled his plate and was ready to dive in when I made everybody stop and “SMILE”! 🙂

I ate only small portions, and only had one small piece of Pumpkin Pie, and I didn’t eat the crust. (I may have polished off an entire Bottle of wine…..Did I mention it was also my BIRTHDAY?)
We did not take leftovers home, but we are doing the whole thing all over again on Saturday, here, at our house.
We snacked on a few light things in the evening, and Mike and Tess and I cozied up in the living room (me with a Baileys and Coffee, Birthday Dinner Drink) and watched The Family Stone, one of my FAVORITES!
I am so Thankful for my entire family, and I truly did have the
“Perfect Thanksgiving Day!”
I hope you and your family did too!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
What a beautiful family! Glad that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!