Well, Thanksgiving Number Two on Saturday was a success……even after this upside down, double thermometer, brined from Trader Joe’s……..turkey fiasco!
Nobody died. Nobody vomited.

Mike said he just doesn’t understand what the big deal is about cooking the perfect turkey. He volunteered to cook the turkey next year. Says he’s just going to buy it, get a frier, fry it up and be done with it. I’m giving him about 360 days to think about it. If he changes his mind, I might just go with some turkey breast and a nice big beef tenderloin.
We started the morning off with Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Pancake Mix…..Tess did the cooking in the morning. I think I forced her, but she was glad she did it. Grandma was coming over early to help in the kitchen, so we saved one for her. We were all super impressed. Really no need for butter OR syrup, but of course, we did.

I decided to pair it up with a nice Pumpkin Spice Coffee…..ahhhhh……

Then I got the Mulled Apple Cider going. I love the way this makes the house smell, and I love being able to offer it up as everyone arrives. This was delicious and I will for certain do this again for Christmas. Pretty tasty with a little Apricot Brandy in it too.

Family all arrived, and the table(s) was set……

After a little prayer (I always cry, so I made my mom do it), we formed a line for the buffet. Guess who joined in the line????
Tucker has now been with our family for One Year! Happy Anniversary Little Guy! I love the dickens out of YOU!!

It’s hard to remember to take a picture of your food with fifteen guest at the dinner table, but a couple of bites in, I remembered.
(I did not count points today)

My dry, upside down turkey tasted just fine combined with potatoes and gravy and the Cranberry-Pomegranate Sauce I discovered a recipe for this year. I still bought the can of Ocean Spray for dad. He loves that stuff! But he loved my recipe too!

Then, my dad and brother surprised me with a birthday cake! My birthday was on Thanksgiving Day this year, and they both decided we should continue the celebration! Uhhh….Okay! 🙂
There were so many candles, it took TWO people to light it!

Look how pretty!

They insisted on singing. Awe…..golly gee whizzzz…… (LOUDER!)

Deep breath!!!!

Make a wish and Blow!

Then, the Checkers Challenge was on! I kicked my dad’s butt! Then Tess gave it a try…….Dad was really stressed out from his loss. He he he he he……

It was a great birthday and a great long weekend spent with family!
When I woke up on Sunday, I decided I wasn’t going to do a darn thing.
An hour later, I knew I couldn’t stand it. I HAVE to decorate for Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving. It’s tradition!
So, I made a yummy breakfast while I pondered the rest of my day…….

It was just cool enough outside, that I knew a big bowl of turkey chili (geeezzzz, always thinking food first) after a long day of decorating would be perfect. So I got to work. Chili complete and simmering in the crockpot all day, I headed to the basement.
Sooooo many boxes. I have gotten so much better at labeling things. Pat myself on the back, thank you very much.
After fifteen trips up and down the stairs, I knew I had my activity in for the day and stopped counting. I still would have to take all those boxes back down!
Mike even put the outside lights up, and this makes me very happy……That man truly loves me. (He also knows how cranky I am every year until the lights go up outside.)
Several hours and boxes later, I snuck a few leftovers. Mike seemed to busy to interrupt, and Tess was at the Chiefs/Broncos game, so I got first dibs on the goodies in the fridge……..

Then I decorated my favorite part first.
There’s just something about the fireplace mantel and the stockings hung that make it feel like Christmas!

Now for the tree. I don’t do a theme tree. We just have the one. All of the kids homemade ornaments are on it, along with other ornaments we have collected over the years. Some are from before we were married. It’s fun each year to hang them and think about a memory that goes along with it. We debate each year if all of the ornaments in the “Ornament Tub” will actually fit on the tree. And they do. It’s a big Christmas mess, and I love it.
Mike had this tree long before we were married. We think it’s about twenty years old. I can’t really imagine a Christmas where we aren’t looking for a color on the end of the branch to stick into the tree trunk and arguing about the faded colors and where they actually belong. The thing is huge and it makes me really Christmas Happy! (Real tree’s scare me).

Every year, I try really hard to make the bannister look gorgeous! It never works. Whatever, Bannister!!!!

This is my grandma’s piano. The Santa Pitcher and mugs belonged to my other grandma. It’s a good memory place…….(I really need to get back to my self taught piano lessons. I wanna play Here Comes Santa Claus!)

At the end of the day, the house felt cozy and warm. We curled up on the couch with a bowl of chili…………

and admired the Christmas Tree while we sat in the dark.
Tess came home after the Chiefs loss (SURPRISE!), and decided to head back to school. While loading up her car, the largest Bulldog in the whole entire world came into our garage. I can NOT believe I forgot to take a picture of “Daisy”. She would NOT leave the garage, and instead, laid down between our cars until somebody scratched her belly. She had no collar or ID on her. I am quite certain they do not make a collar large enough to go around that neck! Would you believe I put a message on Facebook, and within 10 minutes, we were able to locate her owner! Ahhh…….Facebook. 🙂 Come back anytime Daisy!
Then……I decided to follow through with a threat I’ve been making for about five years. We did a puzzle at Christmas time when I was a kid. I remember the card table being set up in the living room right beside the Christmas Tree and spending HOURS at that table, determined to find the corner piece and all of the edges.
I bought the puzzle a couple of weeks ago.

Mike and I are officially addicted!

I fear that this 1000 piece puzzle will consume the next few weeks. We may not be able to leave the house.

Monday morning I got up and threw away all of the pie and cake! Good bye sugar, I am on Weight Watchers! (I almost forgot.)
Monday I was back on track.
Latte and Oatmeal, from Starbucks

Fruit Tray Clean up from the weekend…….

Chopped Salad and Turkey Chili
(I love my salad chopper)

I didn’t actually count points……..

Lots of Self Talk Monday evening. I have enjoyed the last few days, I have been fairly careful to make good choices and keep active, but I have not kept track of points.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I will eat only 26 PPV, my daily limit, and I will walk for one hour each day.
Friday I will attend my WW meeting and weigh in.
I hope everyone of you had a wonderful Holiday Weekend and that you have many things to be Thankful for!

‘love the life you live, live the life you love”
Your house looks beautfiul! I LOVE those Santa face mugs! I am so glad that you had a nice Thanksgiving and birthday! Next stop, CHRISTMAS!! How did you make your spiced cider?