Breakfast….no problem, not real hungry.
Toast with Trader Joes Honey Apple Butter, Banana

Food Truck!
Roasted veggies with sausage and turkey
8 PPV?
Then I snuck a few bites of Mac and Cheese, but I couldn’t take a picture cuz I SNUCK it!
5 PPV?

When I got home, I was craving something sweet, so I topped a small piece of toast with a Strawberry Laughing Cow Cheese Wedge and Strawberry Jam…..with coffee.

Then I took my doggies for a walk. Nice walk. Beautiful weather. But by the time I got home my left eye was watering like crazy and itching, and all of a sudden my left eye and the entire left side of my head was POUNDING! So I took some Advil and accomplished a whole lot of nothing the rest of the day.
Around 8:30 I had a bowl of soup.

Mike is officially addicted to the 1000 piece puzzle we started over the weekend. He is SO competitive! He cracks me up! Working on the puzzle for a few minutes did NOT help my headache, so I just watched.
Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 3
Lunch = 8
Snack = 5
Snack = 3
Dinner = 3
Total = 22
Activity Points Earned Today = 2
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 0
How many glasses of water I drank today = 10

“love the life you live, live the life you love”