You just never know who you might meet on any given day. Today I met Arthur. Arthur is walking from British Columbia to Key West, Florida. Arthur is walking for those who can not walk for themselves. He is walking in honor of many family members and friends who have suffered an illness throughout their life. Arthur has a son. His son was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes at a very early age and it has been a large part of their lives for the last thirty years. Arthur is the type of person who likes to stop and smell the roses. I met him while I was closing up the Food Truck today at 199th and Metcalf. I was outside as he was walking by. I could tell by his “outfit”, he might possibly be on a walking mission. Turns out, he was. We chatted for quite a while, and he was this incredibly interesting, positive soul. I wish I would have chatted with him a little longer. You could tell he just might have a few stories.
You can read more about Arthur and his Walk of Life HERE.

Good Luck Arthur!!!
Wednesday’s Eats….
I don’t know if I made an omelette, or a burrito. I think it’s a burrito with an egg white tortilla???
I got very little sleep Tuesday night. I was wound up like a crazy woman!! So the smallest of task on Wednesday were difficult. Hence, the omelette/burrito?

Doesn’t matter what you call it. I call it YUMMY.

I made some toast to accompany it. Then I decided to eat my egg white/burrito ON my toast! I know. My whole day was crazy whacky like that and made absolutely no sense at all. Except meeting Arthur. That was just cool.

Lunch was various bites at the food truck. Small bites.
6 PPV worth of small bites.
Then I went to Walmart. Seriously???? I actually sat and waited for one of the drivers to come outside. I was just curious if there would be an altercation. Of course, I hoped there wouldn’t be. I really just wanted to see who was driving that VAN!!! The van driver came out, got in, backed out, drove away. “Nothing here to see folks.” I actually said that to myself. Then I went home.

I had a piece of fabulous pumpkin bread that I baked this week. I finally took the time to calculate the Weight Watcher Points. I about crapped my pants when the WW calculator said 17 PPV per piece. I forgot that recipe was for three loaves, not one. Once I recalculated things, I felt much better. (tee hee hee) One piece of my pumpkin bread is 6 PPV. That’s still a lot for a snack, but I do love this stuff!

Um, day three in a row of Taco Soup. Seriously, I have the best husband in the world. I think he actually likes it as much as I do. He knows when I make it, I make a bunch, and we’ll be eating it allll week long.
12 PPV

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 6
Lunch = 6
Snack = 6
Dinner = 12
Total = 30
Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 13
How many glasses of water I drank today = 6
Okay, I am writing this Wednesday night, but will post Thursday morning. Now I have GOT to watch Modern Family.
What are some of your favorite TV shows?

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
here I am again. when this first popped up it was just from Victor, the younger brother of Art. I did not see yoiu blog. After I left my comment I saw all these food pictures and thought ‘What, the …”? so went right to the beginning. well I am a member of Overeaters Annonymous and just attended a Skype meeting and I was inspired and tickled by your blog. Keep it up. It sure is cute. I do not usually take pictures of the food I eat LOL but it sure was FUN.. Joni, the MOM
I am so happy for anyone who meets and is supportive of what my son Arthur is doing with his life right now. I was his support car driver for almost 5 months of my old life,LOL, a tremendous and awesome priveledge for a Mom. My spirit goes with his daily. Thanks for your feedback and support. Joni the MOM
I am so glad I got to meet him too! I love what he is doing for your son, and all of the people he is walking for! Good Luck with the driving!
Hi Julie,
Glad you got to meet my brother and have a good conversation with him. One of the people he is walking for is our son, Ross. Enjoyed reading your blog, too and will share with my family.
I will be his support car driver from Dec 20-Jan 2