My schedule for the last couple of weeks has been anything but regular. Wait. What did you think I meant by irregular, silly?
I like a schedule, and I like a routine, but sometimes life takes you down an unexpected path, and since I like variety, this irregularity in my schedule is fine, but it seems to have gotten in the way with the blogging part of my life. Blogging takes a little more time than I realize.
I did make it to Fridays Weight Watchers meeting, and here are the facts. I have been between 165-168 for a few months now. I have managed to stay out of the 170’s for quite sometime. Until now. Fridays weight was 170.8. A little discouraging, but not surprising, due to the fact that I have been celebrating anything and everything that has been happening over the last few weeks, (and there has been a LOT to celebrate) with food and drink! I am leaving for vacation in three weeks, and really wanted to be at 164, and doubt that will happen, but at least I am going on vacation weighing less than I did the last time we went to the beach. 🙂
Fridays meeting topic was the importance of tracking. I have been a WW member long enough to know this is a crucial part of losing weight successfully and keeping it off. When you take the time to write down what you eat, (or take a picture and post it on your blog), you are certainly more apt to make better choices, avoid mindless eating, and over eating.
Our Weight Watchers Leader challenged us to do something over the holidays that would help us stick to the Weight Watchers plan. I have been a member for a very long time, but certainly not the best or most diligent member. I am so glad that I have kept the weight that I have lost, off for so long, but obviously I have not made it to goal yet. I have never been a member to track my food on Thanksgiving, or keep track of all of my snacks on New Year’s Eve, or count the points in my birthday cake. Nope. Those are the days I would simply……not track. If you are only supposed to eat 26 points, why would you want to write down that you ate twice that, or worse, three times that? I’ll tell you why. To face it. To hold yourself accountable. To be honest with your self. To avoid doing it again. I have always been honest on my blog about what I eat. There are many days, at the end of my blog where my total points for the day are much more than I am allotted. I seem to be eating more of a “Maintenance” plan, than a “weight loss” plan. Anyhow, I promised, at my meeting, in front of everyone, to track what I ate on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, whether it was more than I was supposed to eat or not. Eeekkkk.
Since my meeting on Friday, I have written down all of the food that I have eaten, but I have not remembered to take pictures, and I have guessed on a lot of the points. We have been eating out a lot, and have had many a Holiday Cocktail and celebratory drink.
Friday started off very responsible, (it usually does) with a banana on the drive home from WW…….

……lunch was at a place that Tess and I have gone for several years. We became good friends with the bartender, and the bartender would always make Tess a virgin drink of some kind while mommy had a beer. Sounds really irresponsible when I write it down. Geeezzzzz. Anywho, we hadn’t been there since Tess turned 21, so we HAD to go there on Friday for lunch. We had big girl beers, and shared a small cup of Lobster Bisque (I had five bites)………..

…….then we shared a plate of Irish nachos……..(they’re potatoes!). We did take half home, so I guess we each had a 1/4 of an order. 🙂

Then we met some of my neighborhood girls for a celebratory beer at a pub by our house to celebrate “Winter Solstice!” I seem to know a lot of people that like to celebrate a lot of stuff!!! 🙂 The hostess of this event is a grade school teacher, so I think that explains the poster she had displayed at the bar. 🙂

Then? Friday night? You don’t even want to know…..
We met a large group of friends, (and we all brought our adult children) at a friends house for the “before party”, then we headed downtown to hop on the trolley. I think we had 10 adults and 10 kids (adult kids). For $10 a person, the trolley will drive you to many of Kansas City’s hot spots! We started in Waldo, then Brookside, then The Plaza, then Westport, then The Power and Light District. We drank, we sang and we danced. At the before party, I ate cheese and crackers and dip, and drank two beers. The rest of the night was, at best guess, sharing a slice of pizza with Tess, and a few more beers. We got home at THREE IN THE MORNING! It was a crazy night of fun and I can’t wait to do it again!
Here is my food journal. I ate (drank) a total of 59 Points.

Saturday morning was slow, and we had so much to do. Tess and I had planned to be on the road around 9:00 am to drive to Pittsburg, so we could pack up her things and move her home on Sunday.
Well…..first I had a bowl of cereal…..

……then I went back to bed.
We left the house at 2:00 pm, only 5 hours later than expected. Egads! We started our road trip (Pitt is only 90 minutes away) at Sonic with a Junior Burger and Small tots. I feel better already! An hour later, we stopped for a coffee at McDonalds, and I got a $1 wrap. It tasted gross, but I ate it anyway. Dumb de dumb dumb.
Finally…..we were in Pitt. Within an hour and a half, we had everything boxed and ready to go for the morning movers. (My husband, my brother and my dad) so we met a friend of Tess’ and her mom for dinner (I ate a baked potato and a cup of red pepper bisque)….and drinks. I know. More drinks. Seriously? I chose a Bloody Mary.
Here is my food journal. I ate (drank) a total of 42 Points. I now have zero extra points left for the week.

We were in bed by 10:00 pm.
Sunday morning, we were up and ready to go way before the movers got there, so off to Starbucks we went. I had an oatmeal and a nonfat latte.

Around 10:00 am, the movers showed up! Yay!

After the first load, we all took a break.

Then, things got serious!

My husband and brother worked really hard! My dad held doors open and was kind enough to tell us when we dropped things. I took pictures. Tess walked around in circles. After the U-Haul was completely loaded, I went inside it and reorganized it all. Nobody was surprised.

All of the hard work and time was greatly appreciated!

30 minutes later? Done!

Now, here we are, Sunday morning, trying to get this girl home so she can pack again and move to Dallas in two weeks!
Tess always talks about Mall Deli, and I had never been. This place has been there since 1979! Since it was most likely our last time in Pittsburg, we had to go. We got there at 11:00 am, and good thing, because right after we were seated, the line was out the door the entire time we were eating.
I ordered the Turkey Rueben.

Look at all that turkey! I only ate a couple of chips.

Finally, we made it home, unloaded and organized, and settled in for a quiet evening.
Dinner was chicken breast stuffed with broccoli and rice and wrapped in bacon, salad and broccoli.
I ate a big salad and a small portion of the chicken.

Here is my food journal. I ate a total of 31 Points. I now have negative extra points left for the week, which means I really need to exercise!

It’s Christmas Eve, and we have a full day and evening planned. I will walk today, drink lots of water.
I will be lucky if I maintain this week. I have written everything down since Friday, but just totaled it all this morning. That is NOT the way you are supposed to do it, but now I know where I am at, and I know how important it is to get in my water and exercise.
I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”