Tess accompanied me to my Weight Watchers Meeting, where I proceeded to strip down, exhale and step on the scale. I gained 0.8 this week. I weigh 171.6. Okay, I was not surprised, but while feeling a wee bit frustrated with myself, I reminded myself of how far I have come, and the positive changes I have made in what I eat on a daily basis.
I will get back into the 160’s in no time! I will bet back down to 165 and continue to make progress. I felt great about the choices I made at the end of the day on Thursday, and I felt great about the choices I made at the end of the day on Friday. One day at a time.
Friday’s eats.
Luna Bar
Un pictured Starbucks Nonfat Latte

Then Tess and I headed out to shrink our “To Do List” for the move to Dallas down to nothing! That girl makes just as many list as her mother! Okay, I MAKE her make the list, but she totally gets it and appreciates it. She hasn’t so much as said that, but I am certain of it. Wait, maybe she did say that. All we have rattled off the last few days is…..”Add it to the list!”.
We were getting things done like CRAZY!
We had two returns to make at Costco, so we made the rounds for samples. We decided we probably should have gotten a cart so it at least LOOKED like we were shopping! But really, we were all about the samples.
Costco Samples…….
More productive errands…..
Lunch at Panera
Chicken Noodle Soup, 1/2 of a Multi Grain Baguette

After a long day of shopping……ONE beer. 🙂 It’s Friday night, people.

Then I curled up on Tess’ bed with the dogs and watched her put together a gazzilion outfits!
Tucker was impressed with ALL of the outfits!

Mishka didn’t seem to care……

I was actually sitting right smack in the middle of all of this!

Here are a few highlights! Love these flats!
(Yay! Colored jeans!)

Super cute brown boots! Who doesn’t love boots and scarves?

Animal print Blazer! So stinking cute!

We did take a short break for dinner. We had plans for going out for the evening and listening to some music, but we both decided we were too exhausted to get dressed, or walk to the car, or think. Mike agreed staying home was a good idea.
Dinner was a repeat of the night before.
Who doesn’t appreciate a good leftover night?
Lettuce, cucumbers, bell pepper, celery……

Topped with chicken taco meat, cheese and sour cream.

Baked chips with taco meat.

My journal for the day…….
I dipped into my 49 points. I ate 6 of them.

18 days until VACATION!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”