My Two Goals for the day.
1. Buy New Luggage
2. Buy New Flip Flops
Yay! It’s PURPLE!! Mike’s is behind mine. Same luggage, only a manly shade of Taupe???

I feel more relaxed already……

After successfully finding my two items, at a bargain price, I headed to Costco (ON A SATURDAY!) for two rotisserie chickens. What was I thinking? I got a terrible parking, and the wind had really picked up, and it was getting chilly! I meandered my way to the back of the store, without eating ONE sample I might add, and guess how many chickens were left? You guessed it right! ZERO!! So I headed back out the “IN” door. I felt like a fish swimming upstream! Have you EVER left Costco on a Saturday going out the “IN”? It was a challenge at best. Activity Points earned? Okay, slight exaggeration, but it felt like a workout. I know my heart rate went up!
Then I went for a manicure. They could take me in 20 minutes. Perfect, I will go to Walmart to pick up my prescription, and be right back. I got a front row parking at Walmart (ON A SATURDAY!). When I walked inside, the pharmacy was closed for lunch. Of course they were. They, too, were out of rotisserie chickens. I waited patiently for the pharmacy to open. When I left, it was snowing, and I have rear wheel drive. So I went home, chicken-less and manicure-less. A few streets from home, I was amazed at the two deer I saw in a backyard, only to get a little closer and realize I was seeing two very large dogs.
I think staying home the rest of the day is the best idea I’ve had all day, except for going to Marshall’s for luggage. THAT……was the best idea I had all day!
Kohl’s Flip Flops and Shades……
Buy one, get one 1/2 off on the shades! Has anyone EVER paid full price for ANYTHING at Kohl’s?? I think not.
Coffee with Steamed Skim Milk
Oatmeal Banana Pancake topped with Better N Peanut Butter and banana slices……
Click Here for my recipe.

First Watch
Egg White, Spinach, Feta and Turkey Sausage Omelet, salsa
Dry Multi Grain toast with jelly.
I went by myself, but was really missing Tess since she usually accompanies me here, so I called her and we chatted while I ate.
11 PPV

Pear and Clementine

Progresso Soup and canned peas with Parmesan Cheese

Fancy Saturday Night Dinner, huh?
I let Mike have the last of the White Chili and Cornbread from Friday.
He really did appreciate my sacrifice.

Around 9:00 pm, my stomach was growling, bad. Like super uncomfortable. I tried to wait it out, and I drank more water and hot tea, but I was truly hungry. I decided maybe I hadn’t had quite enough protein, so as odd as it sounds, I made a 3 PPV snack of egg whites, bacon pieces and cheese, and more hot tea. Then I stayed up late getting caught up on all the DVR’d shows…..Greyson….Scandal……Castle and Blue Bloods. I slept like a baby!

Activity Points Earned Today = 0 (maybe 1 at Costco??)
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 44
How many glasses of water I drank today = 12

“love the life you live, live the life you love”