It’s a Marathon!!

Well, kinda. I have now completed over 26.2 miles on my chart. 27 miles to be exact! It feels amazing to look at that silly thing and see how many miles I’ve walked! Yes, walked. Okay, so I didn’t run a marathon, but at the end of my goal of 200 miles, (I guess I need to now make my goal to 209.6 so I can say I walked 8 marathons!), it’s going feel awesome to look back and see all those charted miles!!! And so far, all uphill on the treadmill! I am looking forward to warmer weather so I can get outside and soak up some of that fresh air and sunshine!

I agreed with my coach to weigh at home on Monday mornings and plot it on my graph. We agreed that Monday weigh in’s would keep me on track over the weekend. Monday mornings weight?

169.2 🙂

My eats for Monday…..


“love the life you live, live the life you love”