I was so excited to see 164 something on the scale, I made it its very own post yesterday. I proudly weighed in at 164.8. 🙂
Friday was a fun and full day starting with coffee with Dad, WW meeting, a birthday celebration lunch with girlfriends, picked up my Grandson from school, enjoyed some Mexican Food out with my hubby, grandson, son and daughter-in-law, then curled up on the couch to Life of Pi. Busy, fun filled day.
Today, we are headed to a friends farm with our grandkids and several other families for a day of kite flying, four wheeling, bubble blowing, fire building and a Taco Feast! It’s a bit chilly out, but the sun IS shining!
Yesterday I planned out my snacks. I don’t want to mess up my 164.8 by gaining two tenths of a pound this week!
I have lots of fruits and veggies to pack in the cooler, I plan to enjoy a few drinks, but only a few, I will not let myself get started on chips or sweets, and I made myself a big veggie salad with lots of greens, tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers that I can take along and top with taco meat and salsa.
Looking forward to a great day!
I hope you are able to get out and enjoy the SUNSHINE!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”