Some friends of ours have a Farm about 45 minutes away, and a trip there always means a good time. They invited a few families down to spend the day on Saturday. We were blessed to be able to make some great memories this weekend with our grandchildren AND our friends!
These are a few of my Happy Hour girls and one of my favorite pictures from the day!

Before leaving for the Farm, we loaded up the car with enough snacks for a family of ten, and a change of clothes for at least four more children.
I had plans for the day of getting dirty and working up an appetite!
I believe we succeeded in both!
None of these are pictures that I took, but pics I stole from friends. We did take both of our Grandkids, but Malik kept so busy running around, we never did get him in a picture. Too many things to do. Kids to play with, kites to fly, jumping on the trampoline, Four Wheeling with Papa Mike, eating snacks, trying to get in the hammock without face planting, roasting marshmallows, and much much more!
We did get Amiyah in a couple of pictures though!

Look at that sweet face! (Amiyah is kinda cute too!)

Girl’s preparing for some Four Wheeling!


You probably can’t even see us in this picture!

I am pretending to chug…..really, I am pretending. 🙂

Getting the marshmallows ready….

Silly girls…..

Good friends…..

Just hanging…….

Um, who is watching the kids??

I have no idea what this was about…..

I did love driving through the mud puddles!!

I had to steal this one from Instagram. This Bon fire was like 20 feet tall. Look to the left. You can see the people, then realize how crazy and big this fire was. Malik was amaaaaaazzzzzed. My face was HOT!

Then it got BIGGER!

Shortly after this, the kids were exhausted. I put them in their P.J.’s, and we hopped in the car. They were both asleep within 2 minutes.
So, I have no pictures of food, but our lovely hostess, Stephanie, cooked up several pounds of taco meat to feast on and we all brought chips and dips and sweets to go with.
I ate one taco, two cookies, a piece of cake, a few chips and dip, and some veggies and hummus. I think I did pretty good. I ate very little before we got there.
I had two beers, and two vodka drinks for the entire day. We were in charge of a couple of young kids ya know.
I plan to eat my minimum Monday through Thursday, drink plenty of water, and exercise a minimum of one hour on the treadmill Monday trough Thursday. Of course I will be dedicating lots of time to PT as well.
I struggled just a bit on Sunday being tired and still having the kids, and trying to keep them busy, and dealing with them being tired too, but I think I kept within my points. I felt the need to snack a bit more than usual, but did a pretty good job if keeping it to popcorn, carrots and Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges.
It was a great couple of weekends with those sweet little kiddos! And I must admit, it was fun to be able to spend time with them and show them off a bit to our friends at the same time.
We are blessed.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”