What is that really? Lately, I feel like I am constantly striving for perfection. Of course, my “Perfection”, and YOUR “Perfection” are most likely, two completely different things.
Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes if they are spent with family, sharing old memories, and making new ones.
Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes because the house is clean, the laundry is done, the bills are paid (crap, I need to do that) and the fridge is stocked.
Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes because I spent it lunching with friends and laughing for a few hours.
Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes because it was in the 70’s and Sunny all day. (That will happen again one day, right?)
Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes because I ate within my Points, I drank all of my water and I exercised, HARD!
Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes because my butt looked good in my pants (or I covered it up with a long sweater, I’m not dumb) and my hair cooperated.
“The Perfect Me” involves a lot of different things. Healthy relationships (family and friends) prayer, good health (mental and physical), fulfilling my personal responsibilities (household task), getting plenty of rest, a balanced social calendar, good time management and organization are some of the things that pop into my head first. I know there are other factors as well. But when all of these things are in order in MY life, that is when I am my happiest. But lets face it, having a good balance of all of these things at the same time can be a real challenge. I guess that’s called “Life”.
As important as it is for me to always try to better myself, sometimes I get so wrapped up in trying to be my best at all of things mentioned above, it’s easy to disappoint myself. We can certainly be our own worst critics.
I beat myself up this morning after getting on the scale and seeing 166.0. My Friday weigh in was a very proud and “perfect” 164.8. I made an extremely salty dinner last night and really, that’s most likely the culprit, but it felt like 1000 steps backwards. I got dressed, (my butt looks gigantic today) did my hair (which with all my effort, looks kinda crappy today), noticed my nail color had chipped (I didn’t leave myself any spare time to fix it), and left the house in a hurry to go to Physical Therapy, where my shoulder would be assaulted by Daryl. He was “breaking up” scar tissue. By the time I left there an hour later, it was obvious SOMETHING was broke, because my shoulder hurt like a %#~}¥$&!!!!!
Then I had a little time to kill before meeting a friend for lunch, so I went to Barnes and Noble, grabbed a book that sparked my interest,
Carry On, Warrior
Thoughts On Life Unarmed
by Glennon Doyle Melton
curled up in a chair with the book and my coffee. Three pages in, it dawned on me, “The Perfect Me” is the one that messes up on a regular basis, learns from it, forgives herself, and moves forward. THATS WHO I AM!!! That IS “The Perfect Me”. The person that will always try to better myself and never stop learning.
Then I came home and looked at my chart. I had planned to be at 164.0 by Friday, May 3rd. That is still completely doable. So actually, “The Perfect Me” is doing great, screw ups and all. Then I realized my butt looks fine today! I’m wearing my long sweater! My hair is kinda messy, and that can be super trendy! I just filed down the white tips on my tails that had chipped, and they look great! The sun is shining and I had lunch with a friend!
Today is THE PERFECT DAY FOR “The Perfect Me”.
Oh, geeezzzzz, you do get that I don’t think I’m perfect, right? I’m just ME being the best that I can be…..”The Perfect Me”.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”