……I was so wrapped up in my reflections post yesterday that I forgot to brag about my treadmill activity the last couple of days. Since I was so sluggish on Monday and did NO exercise at all, I felt I needed to spend the next few days making up for what I missed on Monday.
So Tuesday when I got on the treadmill to do my hour at 7%, I started running (jogging) instead. I don’t feel like I really go fast enough to call it running. I kept my speed at 4mph and 5mph, taking a 1 minute walk break at 4mph about every 7 minutes. I felt great when I was done.
Yesterday, I walked for 80 minutes total. I did 50 minutes at a 7% incline, then I did 30 minutes running/walking at 0% incline.
Today I plan to do something similar for a minimum of an hour.
The scale still said 166.0 this morning, so I most likely will have to show a little gain this Friday. No huge obstacles to deal with this weekend though, so NEXT Friday’s weigh in will be awesome!
I have had several (okay, enough that made me think twice) of my blog readers tell me that they miss my food pictures, and liked when I was more specific with what I ate. They say it helped them decide what was for dinner, or get ideas for breakfast and lunch.
I haven’t talked to my coach about this, but I have been thinking about this lately. I think when I reach 160, and I have that last 10 pounds to lose, I will go back to posting recipes and pictures. I think the last 10 pounds will be the toughest to lose and maybe what I eat will help someone else lose their last 10 pounds, or at least make maintenance easier? 🙂
Your thoughts??
Yesterday’s Eats……

I look stupid a lot, so this made me smile.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”