You CAN’T, or You CHOOSE Not To?

I have to elaborate a bit on yesterdays post regarding my 12 Week Commitment to pass on the alcohol.

I forgot to mention in yesterdays post an important part of my meeting with my coach on Sunday morning. She’s really good at seeing things in a different light.

I do know that I can lose weight slowly and still enjoy the occasional beverage, but from journaling (blogging) and having a coach, I have really learned a lot about my own habits, good and bad, and I am also aware of the things that tempt me. One night of two harmless drinks for me, seems to lead to another night of three or four drinks and then a couple of slices of pizza, then regret about my S L O W weight loss. I just want to get to the end.

I think it’s like with anything that we are told that we can’t have, it just makes us want it more. It does me, anyhow.

“Coach” said to me……


“Instead of saying to yourself “I CAN’T have that” say to yourself, “I am CHOOSING not to have that.” That way you remind yourself that you can do whatever you want. YOU are making the choice.”

Somehow, that way of thinking freed me up a bit. It was a reminder that I am in control.

And again, if I OVER think it all, it becomes much bigger than it really is, so I think I’m done with this topic, at least for today.



All the walking necessities……

The GORGEOUS sky on my walk this morning with the dogs.




Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

Today’s Exercise

Walked 6.5 miles,
200 Crunches,
6 (30 second) Planks
15 minutes of Physical Therapy

The food I ate and it’s PPV

Breakfast = Coffee w/ Milk, Banana, Better N Peanut Butter (2)
Snack = Chicken, Carrots, Cheese Wedge, Pretzels (5)
Late Lunch = Veggie Burger, Black Beans, Corn, Salsa, Avocado (7)
Snack = Cherries (0)
Dinner = 3 Tilapia Tacos in White Corn Tortillas, Avocado, Lettuce, Cheese Salsa and Sour Cream (13)

Total = 27

Activity Points Earned Today = 7
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 35
How many glasses of water I drank today = 11
ALCOHOL consumption = NONE

“love the life you live, live the life you love”