The weather this weekend is the kind of weather I truly wish we had six months out of the year. I love the seasons and the variety of weather we have here in the Kansas City area, but there is nothing better than a weekend with the temperature in the 70’s and being able to enjoy morning coffee on the deck, morning or even afternoon or evening walks, and eating dinner outside with friends (and maybe a glass or two of wine).
Something about this weather also puts me in a completely relaxed state of mind…..and the only real plans we had for the weekend were just that……relaxing plans. Nothing stressful to prepare for, no trip to pack for, no big obligations. I woke up Friday knowing it was going to be a great weekend, and I knew I was going to do whatever I felt like doing.
Friday I enjoyed some wine and great conversations with friends.
Saturday night we went to dinner with friends at Louis Wine Dive in Brookside. Check out their website HERE.
This was our second trip there and I ordered the exact same meal. The Salmon, asparagus and Goat Cheese Salad.
Whenever I make a commitment (no drinking for 12 weeks), then retract on it, I feel like I need to fall all over myself explaining. I feel disappointed in myself. Then I go back and forth. Am I just making excuses. Am I just being honest? In my honesty, do I just kind of sound ridiculous?? I really don’t know the answer, but my blog in many ways feels like my confessional, so that’s what I do. Blogging keeps me accountable and forces me to deal with my choices. I can’t ignore my choices and I can’t pretend that they didn’t happen. I think breaking through the plateau made me feel relaxed on things a bit, but I need to keep my “relaxing” limited so I can continue to lose, and then be able to maintain.
We had friends over before we went out to dinner, and the four of us shared a bottle of wine. It was perfect and relaxing. We then went to dinner. We were able to be seated outside, and I enjoyed a glass of wine with our appetizer. Then I had a glass of wine with dinner. (Mike was our designated driver and had water. Didn’t want anyone to worry.) Everything about dinner was perfect. The friends, the weather, the atmosphere, the food…..and yes, the wine.
We then went to Sunset Grill (surprise!) for an after dinner drink where I had coffee for the rest of the evening.
I made myself get on the scale yesterday (I was down from Friday) and this morning (I was the same as yesterday) and I was pleased. I am hoping to NOT have carb cravings (or any cravings at all) today!
I’m heading out the door soon to walk the dogs, then take a long walk for me. Later…..yard work and squats and lunges.
Hoping to cook something new and different on the grill and spend the day outdoors!!
Okay, confession finished. I feel better.
Yesterday’s Eats…….


I bulked up my salad with Broccoli Slaw! I love a lot of crunch in my salad!
A Weight Watcher member recommended the Chunky Guacamole made with Greek Yogurt from Trader Joe’s, and I’m glad they did! It was just as creamy and delicious as I had hoped it would be!

Perfect finish for my salad……



Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate and it’s PPV
Breakfast = 5 Egg Whites, Cheese, Strawberries, Coffee with Milk (4)
Snack = Whey Protein Shake with Frozen Blueberries (3)
Lunch = Turkey Taco Salad (8)
Dinner = Deviled Egg, Bruschetta, Salmon Salad with Goat Cheese, Two bites of that toast and Wine (26)
Total = 41
Today’s Exercise = Walked 7.5 Miles!!
How many glasses of water I drank today = 15
Activity Points Earned Today = 9
Activity Points Earned This Week = 9
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 23
ALCOHOL consumption = Red Wine
Thanks for listening………

“love the life you live, live the life you love”