My Pop’s

His name is Max. He likes to build things. A lot. He always has. I grew up in a Three Bedroom, One Bathroom Ranch with a One Car Garage on a Crawl Space. This isn’t the house I grew up in, but it is in the same neighborhood,and this is what our house looked like. My mom and dad and brother and myself moved into our house before my first birthday. I don’t remember exactly when all the building began, but by the time my dad sold that house in 1999(?), it was a Three Car Garage House (the one car garage was now two deep, and an additional garage on the side of the house) with a Family Room on the back of the house the entire length of the house, and I think 15 feet Wide? I think the only thing my dad didn’t do in building on […]

Well, At Least I’m Consistent

I weighed yesterday morning at home. 161. I went to my meeting and weighed. 161. I weighed at home this morning. 159. This is how the last four weeks have gone. I still think my body is fighting me on the 150’s. It is extremely frustrating. I now have 7 weeks to reach my goal. Even if I lose 7 pounds in 7 weeks, and have to extend my deadline a bit, I’d be pleased, but I suppose that’s a little pessimistic thinking on my part, and I truly think, for the most part, that I am an optimistic person, but I’m also a realist. I planned out my meals for the week including LOTS of protein. I made my grocery list, and went shopping. Now it’s just protein, protein, protein, exercise, water and PRAY!! Breakfast was a coffee with milk. Lunch Snack Dinner Refresh…I can eat 26 points a […]


I tried hard to get in as close to 150 grams of protein as possible yesterday, but that was a task! I think I got in just over 100 grams. I’m going to make up a menu for the week and try to figure out a way to have a variety of foods to eat that are high in protein without my menu being too boring. My trainer session on Tuesday was great, and he suggested I do the strength training that he gave me on Thursday and Saturday. My butt and thighs hurt so bad yesterday, I wasn’t sure how I was going to get out of bed! But it seemed as though once I started moving, things were fine. I only wish my butt and thighs looked as strong and as firm as they feel!!! 🙂 Yesterday…….. Breakfast Lunch(Chicken Salad made with 5 oz Rotisserie Chicken Breast, Shredded […]

Dreaming About The Scale!

I couldn’t sleep at all last night. After my weekend out of town, I have been working hard to make sure I didn’t have a gain on the scale this week. I know my body well enough now that one cheat day can really kinda screw with my weight loss momentum. Hitting the 160 mark last week was a huge moment for me! I think the last two hours of sleep this morning (it’s 5:30 am and I am wide awake and blogging!) were spent dreaming that I stepped on the scale and it said 162. I finally just got out of bed and stepped on the scale. 161. Since starting training with Jamie, we spend a lot of time talking about diet and food. I remember a few Weight Watchers meetings where we have discussed the importance of protein and weight loss. Sometimes I get lost in the science […]

Back in the Routine

Tuesday morning started off with a little coffee and blogging, and Mishka at my feet, and Tucker never leaving my lap!!! Pretty much like right now and most other mornings….her on the floor, him on my lap…… They really missed their mom this weekend!! After blogging and breakfast, I had an awesome one hour session with the trainer, and I am feeling it this morning!! He gave me a great lower body workout for the week along with some really good stretches. I am feeling more mobility in my shoulder too! I waited too long to get outside for my walk, and Tucker and I only got in about a mile before the heat sucked all the energy right out of us! Then I just wasn’t feeling the treadmill at all. I have plans to meet a friend out at Shawnee Mission Park for an extra long walk this morning […]

A Visit To See Tess!

Tess has been at Southwest Airlines in her permanent position for just over two months now, and her momma is missing her something terrible! So I hopped on a plane…….a Southwest Airlines plane, for FREE, and went to visit!! Tess trained for her new job at Southwest Airlines for 6 weeks, and just finished her second official week on the job! She was elated to have July 4th off and get paid, but not so elated to have to go back to work for one day on Friday the 5th, but went back to feeling elated because she has a job!!! A couple of weeks ago, some of her college girl friends were able to drive down to Dallas and visit her, and she was ecstatic!! I would imagine things got a little crazy……… Then the following weekend, she was able to take advantage of her Free Flight Benefits, and […]

Happy Friday!

My July 4th morning started off with an early morning dog walk, then more walking with Tucker and a friend and her dog, then coffee in the driveway with Dad and Tucker while watching the Neighborhood July 4th Parade! Then I kept myself busy with lawn work…… And I made these for the BBQ with the neighbors later in the day……. Then I got into that rearranging mode again!! After mowing the lawn, I wanted a beer probably more than I have, since I haven’t. I’m sure being the 4th had a little something to do with it. But I do enjoying sitting and admiring a fresh cut lawn while sipping a cold beer. But since I’ve been dealing with this swelling issue and sodium and all that crap, I decided it might be the worst day possible to do that, so I drank ice water instead………blah blah blah……I know. […]

Happy 4th of July!

I hope you are all looking forward to celebrating the 4th of July today with family and friends. I think we are keeping things quiet today and getting a few chores checked off the list (Deck Staining!! Woohoo!!), then ending the day cooking out with neighbors and listening to and watching random fireworks displays. We can actually see several displays from our bedroom windows, and since Mishka is so completely petrified of the noise from the fireworks, we often end up watching the displays from bed with the dogs. 🙂 As my week gets closer to Fridays Weigh-In, I have feelings of anxiety and panic about the scale. The scale at home has really been all over the place this week, just like last week!! It’s never been so up and down on a daily basis like this, so I feel a little lost. I am going to…..”Keep On Truckin”……. […]

Eating More to Lose Weight?

When you’re in the Weight Loss Zone, you eat less, right? Last Friday, members of my Weight Watchers meeting suggested that I eat my activity points when I discussed my frustration of hard work and then a GAIN of 0.6 pounds! Since then , others have also suggested that I eat my activity points earned that day. The body is a funny thing. Eat MORE to lose Weight? Sounds great, right? Who doesn’t want to hear that it’s okay to eat more food when you’re actually trying to eat LESS??? But you certainly need to eat more of the right things. Tuesday morning was filled with activity starting with a 6 mile walk with a friend at 6:30 in the morning! I really should walk that early every day! What a great feeling! Then we went to breakfast and enjoyed some good one on one girl time and getting caught […]