Weight Watcher’s Simple Start

Playing Catch Up

I never did get a blog post written on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, and after reading this post over and over and over, I apologize in advance for the ridiculously boring post that you are about to read. Between a watching a full Season of “Black is the New Orange” and not feeling well, I seem to have lost my sense of humor.

I’ll rest up and try to find the funny in me.

I did go to my Weight Watcher’s meeting on Friday morning, and I learned a LOT! I spent the rest of Friday running last minute errands. Friday night, we did a little spontaneous entertaining. Saturday and Sunday I spent sniffing, coughing, sneezing and sipping a lot of hot tea with honey to sooth my sore throat. Not feeling like doing much, I introduced myself to Netflix. That may have been a mistake. I have now watched the entire season of Orange is the New Black, (all THIRTEEN episodes!). I had a dream last night that I was attacked by a lesbian with a blade. Then I went looking for my girlfriend to help me kick her ass. Too many hours of lady prison? Possibly.


Simple Start

After Friday’s Weight Watcher Meeting, I stayed and listened to the presentation on Simple Start. Simple Start is a two week plan of meals that are designed to get you off to the right start. New members and existing members can use Simple Start. You simply eat from the Weight Watcher’s provided list of foods. You do not track and you do not measure. You eat until you are satisfied. These are just a few of the items on the provided list of foods….

Proteins…Eggs, Lean Meats, Fish, etc.

Breads!!!! Light English Muffins and Sandwich thins are just two of the options!

Cereal! You can eat Oatmeal and Unsweetened Shredded Wheat!

Grains and Pasta Too! Just make sure it’s Brown rice, Quinoa or Whole Wheat Pasta!

Vegetables……Even Potatoes!!

Fruits….all of em!

Dairy, as long as it’s Fat Free!

Snacks….Light Microwaved-popped popcorn, Nonfat Cappuccino, Edamame!!!!! And even more…….

There is even a huge list of Condiments and Pantry Staples!!

Sounds kinda scary, huh? The idea is to eat until you are satisfied, and if you eat the suggested foods, which are high in fiber and protein, feeling satisfied should come easily.

Need to indulge a little? Want to have full fat cheese? You can. Want a cookie? You can. Those items you DO need to measure and track, and there is a limit to how much of that you can have. That’s it. Simple. Simple Start.



Here are a few of the meals and snacks that I have had over the last few days….


Scrambled Eggs with Onions and Pepper’s and Roasted Sweet Potatoes



 Shredded Wheat, (unsweetened), Banana, Skim Milk



 Egg Sandwich on Light English Muffin



Quinoa, Chicken, Carrots, Green Beans, Feta



Whole Wheat Pasta, Ground Turkey, Marinara Sauce, Bell Peppers, Onions



Nonfat Latte, no syrup



Light Popcorn







I must admit, after 4 years of being very aware of how many points I am putting into my mouth (imagine calorie counting for four years, then all of a sudden, you don’t), it is a little strange to just eat and trust the plan. I feel like this came at a good time for me. I was needing a little something different, and I have been eating carbs with a lot of guilt attached to it, so to be able to eat an egg sandwich for breakfast and have popcorn in the afternoon for a snack, and know that I am following all the rules, feels pretty good.

I have weighed each morning, and have remained at 165.

I feel more in control than I did two weeks ago, but I must say for food reasons, and for food reasons only, I am ready for December 26th. My house has been full of trigger foods (crackers, chips and sweets) and I have not been great at dealing with having them in my house. All trigger foods will leave the house on the 26th.

I still have a cough and a sore throat, and I don’t feel super rested, so that kinda stinks, but I am ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.


Everything is wrapped and under the tree.



Santa came early and filled all the stockings.




Groceries are all purchased for the big family party (about 30 people) here on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Breakfast is all planned.

We pick up Tess at the airport tonight!

I plan to take it easy today, I know the next two days will be full and busy. Maybe more Netflix??

I am going to try this Simple Start for a while and see how it goes. 

I’ll write my next post on the 26th!



“love the life you live, live the life you love”