Just Checking In….

Things are not going exactly as planned for my week!

Friday, the first day of my Weight Watcher Week, was an early birthday celebration with too many cocktails, but I did get my walk in.

Saturday, I didn’t make the best choices where food was involved for my birthday dinner, but I did walk.

Sunday, Thanksgiving number one seemed to be a plate full of carbs with a side of wine.

Tucker and I took a misty three mile walk on Sunday, but I am really behind in this challenge!



I picked up Tess at the airport early Monday morning and we got all caught up over latte’s and breakfast.



I spent the rest of Monday getting the house ready for Thanksgiving. If I wasn’t doing something in the kitchen or dining area, then I was making a list of something that needed to be done before Thursday.

Monday included lots and lots of water, healthy food choices and a beer, but I didn’t count points, so I really have no idea where I am at.

I did not walk yesterday, and I needed to be walking everyday in order to get my 100 Miles in before the end of the month!

Tess and I went to the grocery store around 8:30 last night, then came home, unloaded the Thanksgiving goods, and baked my mom’s Pumpkin Bread. I can’t imagine a Thanksgiving without it!


Today is a much more organized day than yesterday was. Meals are planned and I will get my walk in!

This post is not about beating myself up, I’m just saying…..Hey guys, here how things are going. I knew that this week was going to be really tough, and so far, I’ve don a pretty crap job!

On a positive note, I’m so excited to have Tess here! It’s hard to not feel good when she’s around!




“love the life you live, live the life you love”

2 thoughts on “Just Checking In….

  1. Thanks Jannette!

    She does a great job of always telling me that she is proud of me, and I do the same for her. She does make me smile a lot! 🙂

  2. Sounds like your daughter is very proud of her mama. Very sweet. I love seeing great relationships with family.

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