And Saturday….

Trying to play catch up on my blog and journaling my food…..

I had breakfast with my mom and then we did a little shopping.

I bought this awesome Doll House from one of my friends and I can hardly wait for my granddaughters to come over and play with me!


My exercise for Saturday included mowing the lawn and a few other lawn duties outside in the heat!

My evening involved a date night with Mike on the couch eating pizza, drinking wine and watching the KC Royals and the KC Chiefs, both winning!!

It was a great day, but I am just not eating like I would like for myself to be eating right now. Wanting to drink beer and wine, not caring while I’m doing it, frustrated with myself later for consuming too many points.

Here are yesterday’s eats…..

Breakfast – 10 PPV

Breakfast Taco’s on Corn Tortilla’s, a few black beans, Coffee with cream.



Lunch – 4 PPV

A piece of leftover cold Tilapia. Borrrringgggggg



Snack – 10 PPV

 Two of these, with a friend, after I mowed the lawn…..



Dinner – 12 PPV

Salad and Pizza at home. Thin crust with lots of veggies and Turkey Italian Sausage, topped with Avocado, red wine.


Weight Watcher’s Points Plus

I can eat 26 PPV a day.

I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.

I have an allowance of 49 extra points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s


Breakfast = 10

Lunch = 4

Snack = 10

Dinner = 12

Total = 36


Exercise = Mowed, trimmed, pulled weeds…..

Activity Points Earned for the Day = 3

Activity Points Earned This Week = 3

Activity Points Remaining This Week = 3

How many ounces of water I drank for the day = 100

Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 22


This is What I Will Accomplish in 2015

I will choose one occasion per month for Social Drinking (um..this is a work in progress)

I will go no more than two days in a row without exercise. (I’ve done “two a day’s” to make up)

I will track every single day of the entire year. (I’ve only NOT tracked one weekend this year.)

I will run in a minimum of six 5K’s. Three down, three to go!


“love the life you live, live the life you love”

4 thoughts on “And Saturday….

  1. Sometimes I have to just give it up completely too! I’m always successful when I do that too.

    I feel like a lot of the time I’m an all or nothing kinda person.

    Good Luck!! I’d love to know how your 30 days goes.

    Glad you like the blog. Thanks!


  2. I know exactly what you mean….starting tomorrow I am giving up
    alcohol for 30 days….I feel like it is going to be impossible in
    one motion then in another so happy I am doing it, just to prove
    Tito myself I can do it….your blog is great and helps me every day!!!

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