Fun at the In-Laws

Because the family has grown so much, we have become pretty good about celebrating holidays together on the day that works best for everyone, and not necessarily on the actual holiday. For the last few years, we have all gotten together on Palm Sunday at my In-Laws house for our Easter celebration. Yesterday was no different. Yummy food and an Easter Egg Hunt in the back yard…..




The kids opened up their eggs and munched on candy. Jelly Beans….yum.


Lots of fun playing with the grandkids and chatting with the fam. Not only was there an Easter Egg Hunt, there was also a lesson in SnapChat for all of the old people. So entertaining.



Me and the hubs both had too much sugar. This is a sugar coma happening here…..


This little Blue Bunny sang “Here Come’s Peter Cotton Tail” one too many times for me, but it made the kids happy. That Hippity Hop may be 40 years old….or more.


It was a great day with the fam!

I guessed on a lot of my food points yesterday. I either have a few weeklies left, or I have none, or I ate a few extra. I’ll assume that I have eaten them all and stick to 30 points a day for the rest of the week.

Here are yesterday’s eats…..

Breakfast – 8 SP

Leftover Pizza…..



Lunch – 31 SP

This plate looks pretty balanced and includes healthy choices, right?

Un-Pictured…..Small piece of cake, 1/2 Sugar Cookie, Handful of peanut M&M’s, a few Jelly Beans. Obviously, I am guessing on my points here.



Dinner – 8 SP

Un-Pictured Banana, leftover Pizza, dates…..


These are my 2016 Goals

Make time each week to Meal Plan
Drink 100 ounces of water each day
Exercise 5 days a week
Three Meals and One Snack, Daily

I can eat 30 SmartPoints a day.

I have an allowance of 35 extra Weekly Points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s


Breakfast = 8

Lunch = 31

Dinner = 8

Total = 47


Exercise = none

How many ounces of water I drank for the day = 60

Remaining Weekly SmartPoints = 0


“love the life you live, live the life you love”

6 thoughts on “Fun at the In-Laws

  1. I love a plan. I love a challenge. I do not love 100+ degrees. Ha! So I’m all for an alternate plan. We have a few months to come up with a great one!


  2. Yes! I LOVE a good plan! This will be great motivation. Just one slight hitch – but we can work this out – Nobody, yes literally nobody, visits Yuma AZ in July, August,or September… But we will find an alternate time – Unless of course, you really do want to experience something that you will be talking about the rest of your life! =) PM coming your way…. Hugs, MOtiVAteD Ronda!

  3. Oh My Gosh! You are brilliant! Let’s both get to our goal weight and that will be our reward! I’m hoping to be there by July 1st, just in time to roast with you! I love the San Diego idea. I’ve been, but its been a long time.


    1. Get to goal weight by July 1st.
    2. Visit Ronda
    3. Teach Ronda all about Instagram!

    I love it!

  4. yes! we do need to meet up! Let’s add it to our list of goals for the year. …spring is a perfect time to visit AZ. …Or, you come celebrate with me as I celebrate my first “free” WW mtg – but that is 14 lbs away… and that just might be the middle of summer, but if that’s the case – and you get roasted out here, we can pop over to San Diego for a quick trip (just about 2.5 hr drive from here) – the best of both worlds, nice sunshine, relaxation and a lesson in Instagram here, and then a quick trip over to the beautiful beaches of San Diego (and amazing restaurants…that would be AFTER my weigh-in to be back to free lifetime!!) …. think it on it, my friend! =) Ronda

  5. You NEED Instagram Ronda! So many great meal ideas and WW inspiration. I love it! I’m coming to your house for a lesson. That’s just all there is to it.

    (I really do think we should plan a meet up! We just might talk for hours…..)

  6. I just love family! And yours looks great, I might have to join yours just to be included on the “old people’s” lessons ! Last time my daughter in law was here I asked her to go over Instagram with me – she lovingly refused because she said she had showed me too many times already! Ha ha!! I guess I’ll just have to Google it myself! 😡 …. Or get in on one of your families lessons! But I do think my daughter in law still loves me! 🤔 😍

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