
I’m not sure how to spell “Accountabillabuddy”, but I really like the word!

While watching Good Morning America this morning, they did a segment on exercising and the importance of having a partner to exercise with. “Accountabillabuddy”!

I like the word and I like having an exercise buddy. I know from my own personal experience that having an Accountabillabuddy works for me. I am much more apt to get out the door if I am meeting someone to exercise with. I feel like the time goes by much faster when exercising with a partner. If I am walking, and my walking partner has a faster pace than myself, that pushes me to work a little harder. A buddy might also introduce new things to your exercise routine that you may not have thought of otherwise. Like when Becky made me buy roller blades, or run those dang bleachers at the high school!

A big Thank You to my friend and neighbor, Margaret, for getting me out the door at 7:30 am the last two mornings for a nice long walk before it got too hot.


Do you have an Accountabillabuddy?

Do you like to exercise alone or with someone?

Do you feel like you are more apt to exercise when exercising with a friend?

Whether alone or with a buddy, try to get out there and get some activity in today!

Have a great day!

Here are yesterdays eats…

Breakfast – 9 SP

Skillet Fried Sweet Potatoes, Eggs, Smashed Avocado, Tomatoes with Basil and Berries




Lunch – 7 SP

Egg Salad in a Bell Pepper, Tomato Slices with Olive Oil Drizzle, S&P and fresh Basil, a few crunchy Plantains.

IMG_4142 IMG_4141


Dinner – 14 SP

Chopped Salad.

Keeping meals simple this week by having Grilled Chicken ready to go and lots of salad fixings. 



These are my 2016 Goals

Make time each week to Meal Plan
Drink 100 ounces of water each day
Exercise 5 days a week
Three Meals and One Snack, Daily

I can eat 30 SmartPoints a day.

I have an allowance of 35 extra Weekly Points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s

Breakfast = 9

Lunch = 7

Dinner = 14

Total = 30

Exercise = Walked 6 Miles

FitPoints Earned = 11

FitPoints Earned This Week = 30

How many ounces of water I drank for the day = 80

Remaining Weekly SmartPoints = 0



“love the life you live, live the life you love”

6 thoughts on “Accountabillabuddy?

  1. I only did Zumba one time, but I did love it! I’m glad you have a whole group of workout buddies. I think it does make a difference, and what a great way to spend time with your friends!

    You have a great one too Latiffany!

  2. Yummy meals! This morning, I substituted my toast for avocado. It was really good. I have a whole group of workout buddies. I take Zumba five days a week with an awesome crew. Working out is like a big party. Have a great one!

  3. It might be the buddy that gets you out the door or to go the distance but your saying of the day gets you up and dressed and ready for what ever may come your way.
    You were close: accountabilibuddy
    I think it needs a t in it.

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