When it’s been a few days since I’ve blogged, I never really know if to blog about what I did, or what I ate!
I’ll blog a little about what I did, and if it doesn’t seem to be turning into a novel, I’ll throw in some food pics too!
Friday day was a Food Truck work day. Friday night was a quiet night at home with a girlfriend chatting over wine while I did some food prep in the kitchen.
Saturday was a full on play day with that same friend. Everybody needs a good Saturday play day once in a while! I picked her up in the convertible, with the top down, (it was a tad chilly) and off we went to the City Market. We walked, shopped and bought just a few items. I bought this. I can not, for the life of me, remember what kind of squash it is, but you can be certain that I’ll be roasting it up soon!
After the city market, we went to one of my favorite breakfast spots, The Beer Kitchen in the Westport area of Kansas City.
I ordered the Corned Beef hash,(served over root vegetables) and it was amazing! Yeah, I had beer with breakfast. No judgement. (This can’t really surprise many of you anyway, can it?)
After breakfast, we took the scenic ride home with the top still down. It was a gorgeous day, and with our hot tea in hand, the heated seats on and the heater full blast, it was perfect!
Saturday night I went to a friends house where we did a food prep workshop for a company called Wildtree. Have you heard of it?
Prior to the workshop, we were able to choose what meals we would like to make. We were sent our grocery list in advance with directions on what prep we should do prior to the party. At the party, we were given our full recipes along with the oils and seasonings, and we put together our meals!
Girlfriends, wine, making up some meals….um, okay!
Meals in freezer bags, then into the cooler to take home! I’ve got dinner for a while! All Weight Watcher friendly too!
Check out the fridge. (Those meals are all in the freezer now.) I feel so organized, and you know I love that!!
Sunday morning began with a cup of coffee by the fire. Happy happy morning.
I went to Hot Yoga at 9:00 a.m. and it felt so good to be there!
After Yoga, I was back in the kitchen cooking! I was in the mood for some Sweet Potato Turkey Chili. It sounded yummy to have on a Fall day to eat while we watched our KC Chiefs win. Chiefs, that win was a little stressful!!
After the game, we headed out for some fresh air. Mike put up the Christmas lights while I assemble some cheap little fire pit that I bought. We are thinking about something permanent in the backyard as far as the fire pit goes, but we haven’t yet agreed on what we’d like back there.
He LOVES hanging the lights!! (He hates hanging the lights.)
Monday was an errand day. The calendar is pretty well packed for the remainder of November and I had several things that I wanted to get knocked off of my “to do” list and my “to buy” list. That “to buy” list was a killer!
I did get in a 6 mile walk with a friend. I saw so many of these beauties!
I’m in search of everything necessary to make two of these for my porch. Is that not gorgeous?? I can’t remember where I found this picture, but I need to make this!! Twice!!
Our two year old granddaughter was here for a bit last night. The moon was gorgeous, so her and I were going out in the backyard to look at it.
I had on socks and slippers and I was carrying her, wrapped up in my long sweater, down the deck steps. There are several steps. I missed the last step and went down hard. ON TOP OF HER! My top half landed on her in the grass while my knees hit the concrete landing pretty hard. It all happened so fast and I was so worried that she was hurt! She was totally fine. “Let’s go see the moon Gigi.” I was so relieved.
My knee has doubled in size. I think I broke a vein?
Have a nice day.
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I LOVE the trees!! I really could just stare at them all day. And that moon???
Knee is all good, just a little colorful. 🙂
Happy Wednesday Nancy!
I can’t believe the wonderful fall we are having.
It will hit 70 Thursday and Friday but they say flurries on Sunday morning. Maybe I’ll be making a pot of chili on Sunday?? Watching that moon was so worth it but not hurting your knee–hope it is better.
I’m a complete klutz lately!! I was just so happy that she wasn’t hurt. Egads.
I bruise like crazy anyhow, so just for fun, I’ll post a colorful pic in a day or two!
Oh my I had a friend do the very same thing with her grandson. Darn steps! Hope you are doing well.