Out of My Hole

The last two weeks have been filled with some unexpected emotions and I found myself crawling into a little hole where I could just be alone.

I had a few things to deal with that just sucked the energy right out of me. I’ve lost track of the days of the week and the time of day. I’ve slept a lot and kept fairly quiet. 

On Saturday, I started to come out of the hole that I had crawled into. I grocery shopped and spent the day in the kitchen listening to music and cooking. I have done very little cooking over the last two weeks. I spent Sunday getting my house back in order and reconnecting myself with my routine.

On Monday I ran several errands. One stop was an early morning oil change. I decided to take my backpack instead of my purse and walk to breakfast. It’s only about a mile and half to the First Watch, but by the end of the day I had over 16,000 steps!


I’ve been eating sandwiches like there is no tomorrow. For some reason, a sandwich is my comfort food.


It was delicious.


I think I walked it off. lol.


I worked at a WW meeting Monday evening. When I came home from work, our grand daughter Charlotte was at our house for the night and you know how I light up when she is around.

I invited the family over for Brunch today for the 4th and it felt good to have the house full of these sweet faces. I insisted on playing with Snapchat and taking pictures of the kiddo’s. I’ll be honest. I’m happy for all of our kids, but I’m not crazy about only two of our four living here in town now. It was a great morning, but it felt small and incomplete.





Alex….(he turned 9 this week!)




I promised myself that I would finish the StepBet and I’m really glad that I signed up for it. The walks have been great for thinking time.

I did however prove to be the ultimate procrastinator last week. This challenge is 6 weeks long with week one being a practice week. Each week runs Monday through Sunday. I get one rest day and every single week I have taken Monday as the rest day. Procrastinate much?

Then you have 4 active days, then 2 stretch days where you walk a few extra miles. I procrastinated all week long, but I finished strong on Saturday and Sunday!


These are my steps for the last three weeks.Yep, every Monday was my “rest” day.

I decided to not make Monday my rest day yesterday, so I ended the day with over 16,000 steps! I’m headed out the door to step just as soon as I post this blog to get today’s steps in.


Mike continues to attack the master bathroom remodel, but I do feel that my 8 month time line is accurate. It’s a BIG job!


Tomorrow I’ll be back at blogging daily, tracking my meals and counting SmartPoints and being regular old Julie.

I’m sorry for not replying to each sweet message or comment over the last several days. I was truly in a hole. I’m out now though.

I hope you all are having a safe and happy July 4th!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”

6 thoughts on “Out of My Hole

  1. Thanks Windy!

    Holes do happen, but I sure don’t like them. ugh!! Happy to be moving forward, that’s for sure.

    I am so glad you are doing the StepBet! I can not believe how it is really encouraging me to get more steps in! What a genius idea.

    It’s funny because I really only want everyone to succeed in all that they do, but I must admit, I’m curious if I’ll win any money at the end of this because someone didn’t finish?? I almost feel bad. lol

    Have a great weekend Stepping!!!


  2. Thank you Melanie. I hope that you had a great July 4th! And 5th!


    Have a great weekend!!

  3. Thank you for sharing from a place of honesty. Holes: we all find ourselves in them from time to time. Having the courage to claw our way out is what matters. Rock on! (PS: i first hears about StepBet from your blog. This is week one for me. I love it! Very motivational!)

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