If you are a WW member then you know there has been a bit of anticipation building up to the release of the new plan.
It’s finally here!
WW new plan was revealed on 11/11.
For the first time ever, WW members now have THREE plans to choose from. This means even more flexibility for members. I’m so excited for our members! It really is something for everyone.
Smartpoints has not changed, which is great news because members know that a Smartpoint is still determined by calories, protein, sugar and saturated fat. All three plans still have Zero point foods and a Daily and Weekly Smartpoint budget. All three plans still allow up to four rollover points each day.
The new plans are Green, Blue (formerly Freestyle) and Purple. If you are having success on Freestyle, then you don’t need to change a thing! Your plan will now be called the Blue plan and you continue with the plan you know and love.
Green – 100+ zero point foods with a sizable smart point budget with a minimum of 30 Daily Smartpoints.
Blue – 200+ zero point foods with a moderate smart point budget with minimum of 23 Daily Smartpoints.
Purple – 300+ zero point foods with a modest smart point budget and 16 Daily Smartpoints. Potatoes, Whole Grain Pasta, Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Brown Rice and Quinoa just to name a few of the zero point foods on Purple.
All three plans promote equal weight loss and health benefits.
No plan is easier to follow than another.
In workshops we will continue to talk about behavior techniques based on food, activity and mindset that will guide you along your journey no matter which plan you decide to follow!
Brand new members will download the app and take the assessment to see which plan will best fit their lifestyle.
Existing members -You know best if Freestyle has been working for you or whether green or purple might be a better fit. You get to choose!
Digital member only? You can come to a workshop to receive the new materials and sit in on a Workshops all over the country on November 16th. Find the studio nearest you in your WW App!
What Questions do you have? I’m here for ya!
What do you think about the new MyWW?
I’m going Team P\urple!

Mike and I had fun on Saturday trying to film me for a WW Ambassador post on Instagram. I shot a huge thing of confetti into the air to reveal my Purple color, but you really can’t see all of the confetti floating above me after shooting it into the air. We have a Private Facebook page for the Ambassadors and there were several bloopers posted, so at least I wasn’t the only one. Ah well, I gave it my best. lol

My first Workshop last night and I was SO happy to see all of the new posters in the Studio! Portion control is a huge behavior change and I love that we have that reminder in the Workshop!

Are you keeping an eye on your Wellness Wins in your App? WW rewards you for tracking and they have some great rewards! The Wine Tumblers are back! Received mine last week and think they are super cute!

Okay, I am out the door to attend a WW Workshop as a member! Lots on the “to do” list today that includes my monthly massage. Looking forward to a great day!
I hope your week has gotten off to a great start!
Sorry for an entire post of my face! Just realizing it.
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Ha ha! I did steal your name tag! I’ve never been told that I’m photogenic so you’re very very sweet!
I’m loving sharing the new program with the members. How did your week go? How did the members like the news?? I’d love to hear from you!
It’s all SO exciting!!
I love hearing how members are going to switch things up a bit! Let me know how Green works for you Nancy!
Working on a few things with the blog and still searching for a new look. Cleaning out closets and cleaning up the blog. Ha! Ha!
Going green but when I hit a plateau I’ll do purple.
I like your new web design.
The pictures are bigger, clearer, and brighter.
I don’t hate it!! 😂😂
Purple looks GREAT on you, girl! WOOT!
Hey! You stole my name tag! Loved your post! You (and my niece) are one of the most photogenic people I know. No need to apologize for photos of your very expressive face that capture your enthusiasm for the new program perfectly. I have my first MyWW workshops today and am looking forward to introducing our members to it. Thanks for helping me start my day on such a good note!