I thought I’d take a break from deep thoughts today and talk about yummy food and things that are making me feel really happy right now and to remind you that you are doing an amazing job at life right now!
I would love for you to share in the comments things that are making you happy right now! I’ll share what you share in my next post!
Happy things…..
Some of you joined me in some of my Workshops this week and I absolutely LOVED seeing your faces! This Virtual thing has some nice benefits! Thank you for coming to my Virtual Workshops and I hope you continue to do so! They have been extended through April 30th.
Also, WW is offering THREE FREE MONTHS right now! Tell a friend and enjoy all of the benefits of an accountability partner! (This is not a WW sponsored post)
I had a nice evening on FaceTime with one of my granddaughters Friday night. We had the best time! She was working on a birthday card for her dad and I got to see her make the whole thing. So cute.
Intentionally working in Happy Thoughts to the day. Sipped my wine out of this last night thinking about how happy it made us all to watch our Chiefs win that game!

I decided to put this table together Friday that came with our outdoor furniture. I need projects! I’m not good at sitting.
I saw this on Facebook and loved that our neighborhood was joining in on the fun.
What a fun and easy way to help make someone smile. The bottom right is mine. Does is look a little creepy? I saw several on my walk yesterday.
I have been getting in some great walks outside and I need to keep that up! Hopefully the weather participates and we can all soak up some Vitamin D and keep the spirits up! Yesterday I took my mom a few things that she needed then went to my favorite park over by her house. I’ve included this park in my blog several times. Lots of childhood memories.
Strange to see it so quiet on such a beautiful Saturday, but a beautiful walk.
I took a piece of chalk on my walk one day and left a few messages for neighbors. It rained that night, so maybe I’ll do it again this week.
How are you staying active? Share that too! I love hearing what everyone enjoys doing.
Grocery shopping for Mom on Tuesday. Her only request……Chicken, bananas, and Dawn dish soap. Literally no dish soap at Walmart and this was my only chicken option. Chicken Paws?? Why?

I left Walmart and went to the new(ish) Aldi (so handy and only 1 mile from my house!) and had the store to myself. Lots of fresh produce. No chicken.
I had chicken at home, so I grabbed some of that for Mom.
We do eat a lot of chicken, and apparently so do a lot of other people because it has been hard to find!
These sheet pan fajitas from the WW App were so easy and felt like a great comfort food meal this week.

I used a Chicken Marinade for a simple grilled dinner one night this week. We had a few things in the fridge that needed to be eaten so I told Mike it was a weird dinner, but to think of it as our own little potluck. Roasted Butternut Squash taste great with everything, in my opinion.
Trader Joe’s Mexican Style Roasted Corn

My daughter Tess told me about this broccoli recipe, and she swears that she will never eat broccoli any other way. I gotta say, it’s pretty darned tasty. The best thing to do here is to cut the broccoli into very small pieces, just like instructed. THIS IS SO GOOD! I’ve also used this same seasoning and cooking method with Brussels Sprouts, also delicious!
Chicken Sausages can be a great healthy option for dinner that is quick and I’ve been able to find them in the stores. They also keep well if you’re trying to stock up and not waste food.
I cooked all items below individually, just thought they made a pretty picture all together on the sheet pan.
Chicken Sausages, roasted Sweet Potato and Burnt Broccol
We’re doing Fish Friday’s over here and keeping it simple. The shrimp I put on the grill for about 2-3 minutes each side. The Salmon I season and cook in Olive Oil in a small skillet.
Simple Tuna Salad Grilled Shrimp. Brush with butter, add S & P Salmon cooked in the skillet. Quick and delicious.
This is one of my favorite Trader Joe meals. This stir fry Shrimp comes together in less than 10 minutes with these two packages. A great meal any night of the week, just remember to thaw the shrimp!
I love that plain Oatmeal is zero smart points on myWW Purple plan. This bowl of Steal Cut Oats is one of my favorite concoctions. I put frozen wild blueberries in the microwave for about 1 minute. I add Vanilla Stevia drops, 1 tsp Nut Butter, 1/2 Banana.
Of course I still think that eggs and avocados should marry.
I topped this plate of sweet potatoes, peppers and onions with eggs and avocado. You should try it.
For this omelet, I cleaned out the fridge and sautéed any veggies I could find, and added some taco seasoning while I was cooking them. Great seasoning for a variety in your omelet!

How about Yogurt for breakfast? Or lunch? My current favorite is the Two Good.
Vanilla Yogurt sprinkled with Granola, Almond Butter and Banana Slices This Coconut yogurt has become a favorite flavor. I bought this Granola at Costco. Yummmmm.
Okay, now I’m starving. I hope you saw something that sounded tasty!
Please share something that made you smile or an activity you are doing to keep moving. Or both!
Hugs to every single one of you!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Oh my goodness you have so much going on! It’s great to hear from you. How are you feeling now? I’m so happy to hear that you are able to get out and walk. That Vitamin D can really lift the mood! I’m getting groceries for my mom but I know she really is missing seeing people. We talk a few times a day and she is making me some new curtains for my trailer so I’m trying to keep her busy with projects, but I know it must be hard to feel confined. I’m encouraging her to go for a drive once in a while, which she is doing.
Great to hear from you and stay strong! Let me know how you are feeling.
Sending a big hug!
Goodness how I missed this post is beyond me. The food ideas look great. I am cooking out of my freezer trying to use up a lot of stuff in there.
I had to have a cardioversion to get my heart back in rhythm on March 11th. They shock your heart and then an hour later you go home. Just as I was ready to get back int he swing of things on Friday they started the shelter in place. I have been home but do get out to walk on a trail most days. I love the days when the sun is shining and get my Vitamin D!
My children get my groceries and also for a friend of mine who is 87 and should not be in any store. As always you write upbeat posts.
Take care and you stay healthy.
Nyleen, I was so happy to see you in the workshop. I’m glad the accountability buddy is working for you. It sure has helped me. I hope you’ve had a great week and I hope to see you again soon in a virtual workshop!
It’s always great to see you in a workshop! I’m looking forward to hearing how your week has gone. See you soon virtually!😊
Hi Jules, Everything looked tasty & I will try some this week. I’ve been following you since 1/2018 & you are the reason that I rejoined WW just. 1 year ago I had open heart surgery to repair a valve & needed bypass unexpectedly & gained back the weight I had lost. 3 hour naps & meds can do that. Anyway, I did my Monday meeting then thought I’d check yours out.I used your suggestion of an accountability buddy & it’s a good idea. I am inspired by all the medical stuff you went through & all the sharing you did to help others. You are right that the virtual meetings do have a bright side. I also love your camper “Effie”. Nyleen
Sunshine today! This makes me happy. Thanks for another great workshop. I love the Friday reminder that I am accountable to myself. Yes, I am tracking my oatmeal each morning. Hoping this gets me back to tracking all day. Not perfect but a good start. Thanks