Oh Effie, How I Love You

I am fairly confident that I’ll regret this decision, but I bought white faux fur rugs for Effie and I think she is now about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Seriously. That day that I spent in her last week? Like ALLLL day? I started dreaming about how she could be even cozier. I thought about all of the things I enjoy decorating with right now and what makes me feel cozy and relaxed. Within minutes I’d made my Amazon purchases and yesterday I spent the morning playing in her.

Now…..I am aware that the first camping trip that I am on and it begins to rain and I’m out walking in it and become a muddy mess, I may regret my recent purchases, but they are rugs. I can always pick them up off of the floor and put them in the truck if I need to. They may even be washable. Who knows? I don’t. But for now? Camping in my dads backyard? Enjoying my cozy little space that’s just for me? She is perfect and cozy and girly and happy.

No shoes please.

Look at this adorable little rug that I found to go under the table. I mean come on! That just screams campsite, doesn’t it? No?

I decided that I needed some sort of a room divider, ya know, for privacy when I’m not camping alone. If I ever feel like it’s in the way, I can easily take it down. This will be great if someone is camping with me for changing clothes or using the potty. The potty is stored in the closet, but you have to take it out of the closet and put it in the middle of the camper to use it. Too much visual? Sorry.

A potty bucket on white faux fur. Already rethinking my new rug. Nope. I’m not. It’s fine. She’s adorable.

I’ve been wanting some sort of a Chalkboard for the trailer. I really wanted one for the fridge. While dreaming in her last week, I thought….Wouldn’t it be great if you could just do a Peel and Stick Chalkboard? I hopped on Amazon and sure enough, it’s a thing. It comes in a roll. Yesterday I tackled that little project. Getting the air bubbles out after applying to the fridge door was the biggest challenge. Well, that and trying to peel the backing off. That takes good eyesight and good fingernails. I have neither.

I really like how this turned out.

Basically, nobody is allowed inside now because I don’t want anyone to smudge my chalk.

I had a little extra peel and stick and thought this might be fun. It was. I like it.


Coffee and Unsweetened Almond Milk. Too much coffee but dang it, it was good.


I needed to get in some veggies yesterday. Tuna Salad is so quick and easy and packed full of protein!


A whole lotta veggies. Breakfast is always easy and quick for dinner.

Zucchini, red onion, bell peppers, roasted butternut squash and bacon. I cooked a few slices of bacon, set them aside, then cooked the veggies for a bit in Avocado Oil spray. The squash was already cooked, so I added it in at the end. I like everything to get a little crispy and for the red onion to caramelize. It gives everything else a little sweet flavor. I tore the bacon in pieces and tossed that in towards the end.

Topped off with eggs.

I barely got any steps in yesterday so I’ll be making up for that today.

I did get in plenty of water yesterday and I’m feeling really good. I’m having fun blogging again daily and it makes me so much more aware of my choices. I’m not snacking like I was in the beginning of this stay at home order. Two reasons. When I keep myself busy I don’t think about snacking and since blogging daily, I find myself thinking that if I’m going to have something I need to take a picture of it so it looks nice for the blog, then I’m like, nah, I’m good. So this daily blog thing has a lot of benefits I had forgotten about!

My boss hopped on one of my Workshops last week (they surprise ya once in a while and do that!) and told me that he was a fan of what I got going on here. I must say I’m not only enjoying these Virtual Workshops more than I thought that I would, but I’m really enjoying getting ready for work and making it to the office in less than 15 minutes!

Yesterday I even wore a necklace and did the back of my hair. That white faux fur got me feeling all sassy I suppose.

Hugs. Til tomorrow.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”

14 thoughts on “Oh Effie, How I Love You

  1. Thank you Anita. Hope you are safe and healthy as well. 🥰 Nice to hear from you!

  2. Love your camper! So cozy and classy!
    Love your daily posts!
    You look great too!!
    Stay safe and well!

  3. Shelley, I’m sending you a big hug as I know this must be a difficult time for you and your family. I’m so happy you’re here reading along. Hopefully it gives you a couple of minutes to take your mind off of all the crazy. Thank you and thank your husband! 😘

  4. I agree with you Julie! It is easier to make better use of that time in between workshops! I do miss giving my members hugs though.

  5. You would not believe how many vintage trailer owners have a chandelier in their tiny little trailer! They are adorable. I’m really glad you are enjoying the daily post. I am enjoying writing them.

  6. I’m a little Claustrophobic as well Nancy. She doesn’t feel so small when you’re sitting in there by yourself. I do think of her as my tiny house. I think I would’ve studied Interior Design if I would have gone to college. I always have fun fixing things up and changing things around. You are so sweet. Thank you so much for your kind words! Made my day.

  7. Your little camper is so cute! I’m trying to keep busy. My kids are homeschooling because of virus. My husband is an ICU nurse and works with Coronavirus patients everyday. He said it’s very sad…I love your blog
    Take care

  8. My WW boss came to my workshop a couple of weeks ago. Surprise! I too am enjoying doing the virtual workshops. I can make better use of the time between back-to-back workshops, instead of having a five-hour block of time away from home. Effie is adorable. Glad you have a place for just you!

  9. She just gets cuter and cuter! The rugs are such a perfect touch! And like you said, you can just roll them up if it’s muddy outside. There’s just something about them that brings it all together. Now all you need is a chandelier hanging over the table. HA! You know what I love about Effie and all these ideas you’re pulling together? The fact that she’s not JUST for camping. She’s your haven. Your cozy little Julie-space. Everyone needs that and yours is not only adorable, she’s inspiring to the rest of us! LOVE the chalkboards! What a great idea! I especially love your “To Do” list. Yes, ma’am! Thank you again and again for sharing your days and thoughts and meals and creative ideas with us. These daily posts are very addictive!

  10. I’m a little claustrophobic so I don’t know how well I would do in an Effie?
    But I’ve always thought I would like to have a somewhat tiny house.
    I say Effie is your “peaceful haven” so you should decorate it anyway you like.
    I also think you might of missed your calling and you should’ve been an interior designer. (I really like the basket on the floor under the table). Although I was thinking of all those people you help at WW now, it’s so much more important and you do a great job of that too.

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