Well……while I feel mentally great about my decision to eat whole foods for 30 days, my body doesn’t feel much different. A little maybe, but not much. Eating this way doesn’t feel like much of a chore and I know I’m only doing my body good, so I’ll continue through the month of October and take this a month at a time.
I’ll explain more in my next post this weekend.
September was filled with camping trips and organizing over here. Also, I’m now caught up on all of the doctors appointments I’d been putting off. I have clean teeth, had an all over dermatology check, I have an updated prescription for my glasses and I now have contacts!! I can see!!
It did take me 3 weeks of trying daily to get my contacts in, but I finally did it!
What have y’all been up to?
I have a little recap at the end of this post if ya just wanna scroll down.
These food pictures aren’t the best but I’m really glad I have a resource to come back to so I can see what I ate for 30 days!
During this 30 days I’ve kept Dump Ranch Dressing on hand for salads or for a dip and it has become a favorite! I’m making a batch once a week.

Day 16
Wednesday is the only day that I work in person WW Workshops. Occasionally I’m hurrying around the house and forget to grab a lunch to go! I grabbed apple slices and hard boiled eggs from QT. I know these eggs sound disgusting, or at least before I actually bought them I wondered who in the world actually ate those. Me. I guess it’s me that eats those. They work in a pinch.

Lunch was a smoothie made with one frozen banana, 8 oz unsweetened almond milk, a few fresh berries and 1 T. Almond Butter. Did you know that the only ingredient in the Kirkland Almond Butter is Almonds? Yep. It is.
Dinner was day two of a Hamburger Salad. So many ways you could enjoy this. Add cheese, bacon, avocado! Mine was simple here. Dill pickles, carrots all topped with Dump Ranch dressing.
Day 17
Hard boiled eggs out of the fridge make a great meal or snack but I also love a warm hard boiled egg.

This Primal Kitchen Vinagrette and Marinade are Paleo and nice to keep stocked up on. I had these marinade overnight. So many of you replied to the BBQ Give Away and said you liked chicken and asparagus on the grill and those are two favorites of mine!
Day 18
BBQ Chicken, carrots, ranch and berries with nut butter. Eggs and an apple. Grilled Chicken salad topped with olives, Dump ranch, avocado.
Have you ever had cookie butter? This Vanilla RX Nut Butter taste like cookie butter. Holy heck it is good! Just like any nut butter, 1 T = 3 Smartpoints.I find this at Target.

Day 19
The pictures from this day are hideous. My apologies. Breakfast was pork sausage and eggs with a banana and nut butter. Lunch was Mahi-Mahi in a Coconut Tortilla from Costco with an apple and an orange sprinkled with cinnamon.
I found this Paleomg Breakfast Sausage recipe 5 years ago and I’ve been making it since with a few tweaks. We don’t care much for fennel, so we leave that out and this time I left out the paprika and red pepper flakes. I don’t make patties and cook them in ghee as suggested in the recipe, but I cook it like you would ground beef and add in all of the other seasonings. It’s nice to be able to add 1 or 2 T to an omelet or scrambled eggs.
The Mahi-Mahi is two fillets I pulled out of my big bag from Costco and used an organic fish taco seasoning I like from Whole Foods.
Your comments on the Give Away post had me thinking about the things I wanted to cook on the grill! Dinner was an easy clean up! Grilled Chicken Breast and Thighs, Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli!
I used the Danielle’s Burnt Broccoli recipe but made a foil bowl and cooked it all on the grill. For the potatoes I cut them in 1/4 slices, mixed with Olive Oil in a bowl and seasoned with salt and pepper. They also took about 45 minutes. No real recipe here as usual.

Day 20
FYI – on this day I was in the basement storage room from 10:30 am until 9:00 pm. organizing like a mad woman!
My first meal was at 2:30. Leftover Mahi-Mahi, broccoli, pear, almonds, carrots, zucchini and ranch.
Dinner. Salad with lots of veggies and leftover grilled chicken and avocado.
Day 21
I’d been the proud first time owner of contact lenses for three weeks and FINALLY got them in my eyes!! It feels SOOO good to not wear glasses with a face mask. I had to throw that in there.
Breakfast Hash of zucchini, red onion and sweet potato. Dinner was a great big salad. Chicken, eggs, zucchini and ranch. Salads are so much prettier before you stir all the dressing in!
Day 22
On the first official day of Fall…….
Pumpkin Pancakes, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Egg Roll in a Bowl
There are a lot of Egg Roll in a Bowl recipes out there but this is my all time favorite.
Day 23
Eggs, Orange, leftover Egg Roll in a Bowl, leftover Chicken. Grill Squash and a Turkey Burger.
Day 24
Day one alone at the campsite. My happy place. This is my hash that I like with added Chicken Sausages. Easy to fix everything in the cast iron skillet. When I camp I get lost in setting up camp, taking walks, playing around the campgrounds and forget to eat. I’m not sure why that happens but I’ve noticed it on most trips.

Day 25
My Paleo pancake mix with this amazing Maple Butter I found for the first time at Trader Joe’s. Now, this stuff is not low in points or anything, but like the nut butters I like, nice in small servings. It’s Pure Maple Syrup, churned. Sooooo good. Then for lunch turkey wrapped around a cucumber with mustard, plantains and an orange.
I ate dinner super late and it was dark out. Grilled burger topped with pickles, mustard, bacon and onions with a big plate of veggies.
Day 26
Berries and Almond butter for breakfast, salmon and veggies for dinner.
Day 27
On the morning of the 27th, I was spending my last morning camping when a pretty good sized storm surprised me. I spent the morning rushing to pack up. When the storm cleared I headed home while eating an RX Bar and a banana.
Burger, squash and random veggies for dinner.

Day 28
Paleomg Breakfast Sausage and Roasted Delicate Squash. I started making roasted Roasted Delicata Squash when I first found it last year. So far this year I have found it at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s.
Dinner was an unpictured bowl of nuts and a left over turkey burger.

Day 29
Sometimes I’m just trying to clean out the fridge. Breakfast was the leftover Pork Breakfast Sausage with an apple and two dates. Dinner was soup at a friends house. This was the first time I’d had cheese as it was in the soup but I did top it with Paleo Chips and Avocado.
Day 30
Simple Breakfast Casserole followed with a dinner casserole. Dinner looked better than it tasted. I threw together ham, broccoli, cauliflower rice, eggs and a little cheese. I should have followed a recipe. lol
So that wraps us 30 days of whole foods. I don’t feel like I had a huge variety of foods, but I was intentionally trying to keep things simple and I feel like I succeeded at that, proving to myself that eating whole foods isn’t really that hard once I stock up on my favorite whole foods, find easy meals to throw together, and I’m remembering how nice it is to have a husband that will eat anything I cook without complaining.
I kept it simple with fruits, veggies, protein, avocados and nuts. Most days I had two meals with a snack in between. I didn’t take pictures of all snacks.
For snacks I keep raw and unsalted roasted nuts on hand along with a variety of RX Bars, fruit and nut butters when I’m wanting something sweet. Occasionally raw veggies and ranch for a crunchy snack.
Three of the 30 days I did indulge in a few Mich Ultra’s around the campfire.
The only dairy I had was a little cheese on the last two days.
The only sugar I had was mid month when I took my mom on her first camping trip with me for her birthday. We enjoyed a birthday s’more around the campfire.
My weight has been going up and down the same five pounds since the end of March. It’s on the down side of that now but no drastic change in my weight over these last 30 days.
Going into October with a positive outlook yet excited to get this dang year over!!
You too??
I’ll be back soon! I have lots to chat about.
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Where did you find the coconut wraps at costco? I need to go see if mine carries them!!
Give Whole30 time to work…I have done it twice and I usually feel amazing by day 21. Then of course day 31 comes and I’m back eating all the bad foods instead of doing a proper reintroduction 🙂 more learning in my future I guess!