Chill. Relaxing. Chillaxing. You’ve been here for a while so you get me, right?
Happy FriYaY friends! I’ve been enjoying the deck, a fire and last night, wine in a glass that used to belong to my grandma. I miss her, her sassy little self, her cute jokes, her big earrings, her bright lip stick, her cocktail hours and her cooking. I know me sipping out of her wine glass would make her smile. Covid’s got me treating everyday like a holiday in need of a cocktail hour!! I kid. I kid. But I have been enjoying the deck and going through the firewood like it’s my full-time job.
I hope you all had a tasty Thanksgiving. Mike was pleasantly surprised with my 100% Paleo Thanksgiving meal and so was I! Our main dish was this yummy little stuffed turkey tenderloin from Skinnytaste.

While my mom was over for coffee Thanksgiving morning I made the tenderloin stuffing and we had a FaceTime call with Tess, so it was a pretty darned good Thanksgiving morning enjoying our coffee and talking food. Tess was making all of the traditional eats for her and Manuel.

I heard Mike telling his mom on the phone on Thanksgiving Eve that I had made a pie but it was really just the filling and we weren’t likely having Cool Whip. I yelled, and I mean yelled from the kitchen….” IT”S A CRUSTLESS PIE!! (eye roll here and a giggle) I mean, I didn’t want him thinking he was going to be robbed of pie on Thanksgiving for Pete’s sake. I made a yummy paleo coconut whipped cream topping that he absolutely loved!
He’s always such a good sport. He said everything was delicious and I really think he meant it! I ended up making homemade cranberry sauce and that completed the meal for me.
These Brussels Sprouts are going to be a staple now in this house! Bacon and Apples. Heck yeah!

Crust or no crust, this is a real pie dang it!

Dinner for two.

I put on my best jeans and we had a great day!

We had a family FaceTime call after dinner and there were so many of us I was never sure who was talking and it was chaos just like everyone was at our house, so it was perfect!!

Look at that baby! My heart…….

A friend of mine gave me this bottle of wine for my birthday and Thanksgiving seemed the appropriate time to pop the cork on it!

So, I haven’t really talked much about my silly little thumb surgery and the complications that have followed, but let me share now with a new twist of events. Cuz, that’s how I roll.
I had surgery for trigger thumb on October 19th. A simple procedure. 10 days later I had the stitches removed, apparently a few days too early. An infection followed and the antibiotics were extended as it did not seem to be clearing up, then after the infection cleared up the surgery site seemed to refuse to close. There was an actual hole in my hand. After sending the doc a picture they wanted to see me. They sent me home in a splint last Friday to hopefully hold things together and close up. Great! The site began to close and heal and all was well. Nothing has ever really hurt except for the first couple of days of infection, but mostly it has just been a nuisance. Tuesday night I was putting a lid on a tupperware container and something popped when I applied pressure to the lid of the container with my thumb. It did NOT feel good and I took the splint off in hurry to look at my thumb. It looked fine but I couldn’t bend the tip of my thumb. The doctor wanted to see me ASAP. After truly appearing to be puzzled, he sent me for an MRI. He graciously called me on Thanksgiving morning to tell me what I already suspected. My tendon ruptured. He said he has never had this happen following a trigger thumb release surgery. I told him I was special.
I’m having surgery next week. Likely Tuesday. I’m in no pain. I just can’t bend my thumb or use it at all. I’m super irritated as the healing process will be long, involves PT and I will be in a splint that will really limit mobility. He may have to make an incision in my forearm to graft the tendon. Ugh. I’m right handed and it is my left hand, so that’s good. Like I said. Just irritated with yet one more surgery to add to the list of surgeries over the last three years. This will be surgery number eight and before all of this, I’d only had one surgery. Mike suggested I not try so hard to be healthy and see if that helps. lol
I mean, he has a point.
So, this bottle of wine felt very appropriate.
Thats all of my good news for today.
I’m over enjoying Effie while I write this as she always inspires happy thoughts.

Until next time friends.
Take good care of yourselves. Or don’t. It doesn’t actually seem to matter.
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I think everyone should have a bottle of that wine. 🥂Even if you don’t like wine. 🤣🤪😂
I think everyone needs that wine bottle. 🥂 Even if you don’t like wine.🤪😂🤣
Goodness, I’m so sorry to hear your thumb is not healing correctly. But as someone as inferred, it IS 2020, so you could hardly expect smooth sailing with all these surgeries (she said, with a hint of sarcasm). (That wine label … pretty much sums it up, right?) But seriously, we’ll all be hoping and praying the surgery on Tuesday takes care of it. Keep us posted!
It’s all good but you’re right, sometimes you don’t realize how much you use something until you can’t use it!! 😃 Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for following along. Hope you and your family are doing well through all the crazy. Hugs.💕💕
Thank you so much Renee!! 😘😘
You can’t make this stuff up Susan. That made me giggle. You are so right. Thanks for following along and I promise I really will do my best to take care of myself.😂😂😂 Have a great Saturday!
Ohhhh…. French-braised short ribs. That sounds delicious! Not only was that wine bottle appropriate and funny and cute, the wine was delicious! A little sparkly and sweet. Not what I usually drink but perfect for the day.🥂💕
Thanks Nancy. I hope 2021 is a better year for all of us! Thanks for sharing that Trader Joe’s find. You had me searching all evening for Brussel sprouts with pumpkin recipes.😃😂
I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with all that thumb business. Thumbs are so very essential in our daily lives. One doesn’t think about it until you don’t have have the mobility. Thoughts and prayers!! 🙏💞💞. Have been enjoying your blog!! Hang in there!! ❤️🤗😘
Girl, you have been through it! Praying for a successful surgery and quick healing!
Oh Julie you are SO special! You have been through so much in the last few years…..again you can’t make this stuff up! You have such a terrific attitude however. And I do love reading your blog. Take care-I mean it!! 😁
Your Thanksgiving meal looks wonderful! We celebrated alone here too, just the two of us. I made French-braised short ribs and they were wonderful! Your grandma would be so happy to see you sipping wine from her glass. Enjoy the wine, the fire, the quiet and get that thumb onto Healing Road!
Gotta look for some of that wine!
Oh, sorry your thumb didn’t heal as anticipated.
I sincerely pray 2021 is your year.
You have such a great spirit for everything you have gone through.
I haven’t been to Trader Joe’s in a couple of years but a former WW meeting friend brought in a recipe from Trader Joe’s using Pumpkin (jam or butter–it’s in with the peanut butter) and Brussels sprouts and it was so good. I think it would be better with bacon and onions.