Hey Friends,
The last few weeks have felt so good! Taking an actual vacation, heading out to restaurants with the hubs, meeting friends for coffee, planning trips for 2021 and doing a WW Workshop this week with no mask!
Yep! Our members that are vaccinated are now welcome to enjoy the workshop with no mask if they choose, enjoy food and drink during the workshop, and everyone can now take off their shoes to weigh as long as they are wearing socks. These are HUGE changes back to normal for the members and I’m so happy to be moving forward as I know so many of us are.
I have several members that I met only after Workshops opened back up in 2020, so I’ve never seen them without their mask. I was excited to see whole faces and meet that smile I had envisioned under the mask. I loved my Wednesday morning workshop and I hope it continues to build as more and more members get comfortable coming to the Studio. Oh happy days! Normalcy!
Thank you to a long time member of mine, Sandi, for bringing me fresh mint leaves! I made one pitcher with mint and cucumber and one with mint only. They are equally refreshing and having them in the fridge is a great reminder to drink more water!

This has been one of those weeks where I’m that old person that only talks about going to the doctor! Ha! That’s me.
I went to the dentist to replace an old filling and get a crown. When I told the doc I was not excited to be there today for a root canal, he informed me that I was getting a crown, not a root canal. I seriously thought I was going in for a root canal!! Like I told at least a dozen people I was having a root canal.
Me…”I don’t care what you wanna call it. You’re drilling and I’m not a fan!” lol
He was awesome! I loved my old dentist because he was so gentle and I haven’t had to have any dental work done since he retired. Dr. Jonathan was awesome and thanks to his kindness and some Nitrous oxide I didn’t feel a thing!
Technology is crazy! He took pictures of my tooth to make the crown. No nasty molds. While he worked on replacing my filling on the other side of my mouth, a new permanent crown was being made down the hall. In about 90 minutes I was in and out of the office!

I went to the eye doc. On day two of our vacation I developed a huge floater and it literally looks like a dead fly is hanging from my bangs. Weird, right? I’ve had little floater spots before but never anything this large. I thought maybe pressure on the flight caused it, but the doc says no. If it were travel related at all, she said it’s more likely that it happened lifting my 50+ pound suitcase! Anyhow it seems to be attached to my retina so no heavy lifting for a while, she told me things to watch for and it should eventually take care of itself within a month, or two, or maybe three.
Note to self: Stop swatting at the dead fly hanging from your bangs. It’s not really there.
I went for the dreaded oncology visit. I always hate this appointment. Just a lot of emotions connected to it I suppose.
I had stopped taking Tamoxifen for about three months because I was hurting so bad and thought that was the culprit. I have now been back on it for three months because basically my oncologist told me I was significantly increasing my risk of my cancer showing up somewhere in my body if I didn’t take this estrogen blocking drug for the recommended five years. I believed this drug to be the cause of my severe joint pain, but with the new autoimmune diagnosis, I suppose Dr Julie could be wrong. Maybe.
Anyhow, everything looks good. The NP complimented me on how natural my new Diepflap breast look and feel! She said they’re the best she’s ever seen!
I wrapped up three days of doctor visits by going to a Wine bar downtown last night with a girlfriend as our hubs were golfing together. Did I mention life is feeling good and normalcy??? Ahhhhhh
New Workout

I did a thing. I recently tried a new workout called HotWorx . Are you ready for this?? You work out in a sauna. That’s right. Sounds awful, doesn’t it? However, I’ve been reading a few things about the health benefits of infrared sauna and after a nudge from a friend and a free week to see what I think, I like it and I’m singing up for a three month commitment.
These are some of the benefits I’ve been reading about…..
- Reduce inflammation
- Reduce Joint and Muscle Pain
- Detoxification
- Relaxation and Reduce Stress
- Improve Circulation
You workout in an infrared sauna with up to three people. It’s a tight fit and I was a little worried I would feel somewhat claustrophobic, but nope, I didn’t! Just a good workout and a good sweat! The temperature is 120°F to 125°F !!!
They have several classes to offer. So far I have tried Blast, (a bike with arm workout) Cycle, Yoga, Barre and Bands.
Looking forward to sharing over the next three months how I feel!
Always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine!
Fitness Tracker
While I was hesitant for years to get a fitness tracker, I fell in love with my fitbit and liked having the information. Whether I was meeting my fitness goals or not, it was good to know where I was at. After mine broke, I borrowed (long term…lol) Mike’s. (I believe we got them both for free through our insurance??) After a good long use of his, the thing crumbled in Mexico. I did an entire week of these crazy sauna workouts and took long walks with NO fitness tracker! Basically like it never even happened. Ammm I right??
While deciding to shop for an Apple Watch this week (which I’ve never had) I was blown away at the cost, so I picked up this for $59 at Target. My daughter says it’s a mistake, so I’m out to prove her wrong. I’ll do a little review of it in a couple of weeks. It does not sync to my WW App, so already thinking my kid is smarter than I, but we knew that. We shall see.

Headed out for a day of errands that does not include doc appointments. Hallelujah!
Until next time!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Working out in a sauna?! That sounds absolutely horrible! (says the couch potato who’s wishing it was snowing outside instead of 95/feels like 99 …) Whatever floats your boat! LOL Good for you getting all those doctor appointments behind you. Laughed out loud reading about that dead fly hanging on your bangs! I’ve lived with floaters my whole life and hate them, but never had one that big! No heavy lifting, so that means you need to put down those 80 lb barbells in that sauna! Always love your posts! Have a great week.
I will absolutely do a review!! So far I’m focused on tracking my steps and sleep. The Apple price is more than I’d like to spend even for an older model! Yikes!
Congratulations on 5 years cancer free!!
Let us know how you like this watch. I’m looking at Apple too but HATE the price. My cardiologist told me this week to look at Apple Watch 4 (old one) but does what I need (need to watch for Afib problems) plus steps, etc. He said $50 would get a 4 but I haven’t found one yet for less than $279. BTW, I too am a BC survivor….almost 5 years. Praise God!