My gift to myself yesterday? Therapy.
I know it’s not for everyone. I also know it is much more common than it was years ago. In the past, therapy or counseling could often be viewed as a weakness. When in reality, therapy can help you learn about what you are feeling, why you might be feeling it, and how to cope. It’s really about taking control of your own well being, and what better gift to give yourself than that!
I met Hope (my therapist real name!), several years ago. More than anything, she helps me to feel validated for feeling what I’m feeling, then give me the tools I need to work through it. It’s no secret that I’ve been struggling with how my body feels and fearing it will always feel like this and also I’m having a hard time going from 9 weekly WW Workshops to now only one and feeling like I’ve lost my “purpose”. She’s helping me figure it all out and for that I am so thankful. Your mental health is a HUGE part of your overall health. Don’t be afraid to seek out therapy if you think it could help you maneuver through life right now.
A trainer, a massage and therapy. Those are some pretty big gifts to myself these last few days. I hadn’t really looked at my week when I decided to be mindful about doing something for myself every day this month to celebrate my birthday. The rest of the month will likely be more about curling up with a good book, a long bath, or you know, a walk along a tree lined path full of gorgeous fall colors.
I hope you feel inspired to be mindful about doing something for yourself! I’d love to hear what you do!
It was a scheduled rest day, but I got in a 1.5 mile walk that included stretching before and after.
Coffee with Almond Milk
Un-pictured Chicken Soup
Fruit and 2 tsp Almond Butter. Perfect snack plate for a 5 year old, or a 55 year old, IMO.

Do you have a Bibibop near you? It’s comparable to Chipotle, but Asian. Tons of veggies available to choose from and you pick your protein and sauce. We both like the chicken bowl with teriyaki. I’ve been grabbing this for Mike and I on my way home from work on Wednesday nights.
What does your fall look like?

See ya tomorrow!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Lee, Thanks for sharing that the blog post are a helpful reminder for you to pay attention to what you’re eating. That put a big smile on my face! 😀 I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Lyra, Yes! Give Bibibop a try! Fresh and so yummy! Love that you meditate and journal. Both such great tools for our mental health! Thanks for following along and maybe we’ll see each other one day soon at a WW workshop!
I’m so happy we met Mignon. You are such a sweet person and you always make me feel so good. Our Wednesday group is lucky to have you!
You are such a beautiful person inside and out. Also you are there for us on Wednesday nights. You are so appreciated, you have no idea!
Thank you for being my teacher. I appreciate you and care about you!
Plus writing every day is so healing. I am very grateful.
Thank you!!!
You’re so cute. Fun to see what you’re up to each day again and I reminder to me to pay attention to my eating.
Thanks Julie! Good for you. It IS important to take time to figure things out especially with a job change (less workshops).
I’m excited to try Bibibop. I haven’t tried it yet.
Techniques that are important and helpful for me are meditating and journaling.
I always feel better because I’m more mindful and know what I’m thinking. I can examine my thoughts and decide if it’s a “helpful” thought or if it’s causing stress and pain.
Happy Birthday month to you! 💐🙋🏼♀️❤️