I hope you all had an awesome fall FriYaY!
I wonder how many times I can work “Fall” into a blog title.
It was a busy one over here getting an early start on my weekend “to do” list, I took a shorter walk than planned, enjoyed Happy Hour with a few friends, Mike and I had Chinese take-out (his all time favorite) for dinner and we ended our evening watching Stillwater with Matt Damon. Really good movie! Intense, but good.
On my “to do” list. Placement of this mirror. My piano belonged to my paternal grandmother and I have sweet memories of sitting on that bench beside her listening to her play. The mirror was my maternal great grandmothers and I absolutely love that I have it. I’m going to hang it over the piano and forever refer to this wall as the “Grandma Wall”.
The piano man (not Billy Joel, but that’d be cool) is coming next week to tune the piano and move it back to this wall so I need to get this heavy piece of gorgeousness on the wall before he gets here.
I think this is going to look great!

I was running an errand over by my favorite park (Antioch park for you locals) and decided I’d stop there for my walk. I grabbed this squirrels eye view of a tree and a few leaves on the ground.

I said I got in a shorter walk than planned. I was going to do a 3 mile walk then found myself running short on time for the day. Happy Hour started at 4:00 and I didn’t want to be late! Priorities.
I have never been one to exercise first thing in the morning on a regular basis. I found myself struggling to get my exercise in this week because once my day starts, I find the time getting away from me. I need to work on making sure that gets done first thing in the morning. This goes back to that whole reflecting thing. What’s working? What isn’t? Where do changes need to be made?
For those of you enjoying the fall pics, It was one gorgeous mile and half!

Coffee with Almond Milk
Leftover Chicken Fajitas with Avocado and Trader Joe’s Roasted Plantains

Happy Hour
I wasn’t going to have any snacks but did up indulging in a few almonds and cheese.
For a variety of reasons, I’m trying some of the non-alcohol options and I’ve discovered two really good IPA’s! Both of these have 0.5% Alcohol and if I didn’t know, I wouldn’t know. I’m still searching for a non-alcohol wine that doesn’t take like juice and doesn’t break the bank. When I find one I like, I’ll share.
Left is from a local brewery, Boulevard Brewing Co. Right is Athletic Brewing Company.
Moo Shu Chicken with two pancakes. Plenty of leftovers for lunch today.
Have a great weekend!
Go be amazing!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Thank you for appreciating my regular “all things fall” post. 🍁😂🍂🤣
You have totally captured fall with all your pictures, which is awsome, so whenever I feel the urge to see them, I know right where they are. Yet ANOTHER reason to title your posts with fall, fall, and fall! Glad you had a good, productive Friday! Love the Grandma Wall vibe you’re putting together. And yes, when you find a good NA wine, let me know! I’m experimenting with some NA drinks but found that the one I really liked was making me nauseated. Glad to be on the hunt with you! Happy weekend!