A Sad Day….

I ate my pancakes on the deck while looking at this tree that I swear is changing colors by the hour, did my workout, hung an extremely heavy mirror on the living room wall, spent a little time cooking up a few things in the kitchen, then I just let myself feel the feels.

I lost a sweet friend to ALS yesterday. I was supposed to be going to her house for coffee on Friday. I knew our future visits were likely limited, but losing her yesterday felt too soon. It was a hard day filled with sadness thinking about her family. It’s never easy losing someone and I know she’s no longer in pain, but I’m so sad that her family lost her way to soon.

I kept myself busy cooking up a few things as we ate out wayyyy too much last week. I grilled some chicken breast and diced them up for dinners, cooked up some breakfast sausage for easy omelets and scrambles, roasted some Brussels sprouts and delicata squash. I grabbed my first Holiday Hash from Trader Joe’s this week for a yummy fall breakfast or maybe dinner and I have a few mahi-mahi fillets and salmon for a quick protein to cook up. The goal is more meals at home this week.

I did my workout, a 20 minute resistance training. I may have done some of the exercises wrong as it didn’t feel like much of a workout. The trainer offered a call this week so we make sure I’m doing the recommended workout properly.

The rest of the day I didn’t feel great so I allowed myself to feel all the feels.


Pancakes with added blueberries.

I spent most of the evening soaking in the tub.

Feeling sad today as I say goodbye to another friend gone too soon.

Hug your loved ones. Reach out to those you’ve been thinking about.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”

6 thoughts on “A Sad Day….

  1. Thank you for the prayers Diane. So very sad.
    The pancakes. You know I love me a pancake or waffle or an oatmeal thingymabob. 🤣 I just added four or five blueberries to the top of each pancake right before I flipped them. I like the Birch Benders as all you have to do is add water. Easy Peasy……For me, it’s really all in the toppings. 😋😋😋
    Trader Joe’s Hash! Butternut squash, sweet potato, celery, red onion, rosemary, sage, parsley! That’s it! I’m sure it could be made at home but I love the little convenient package. I sauté it in a little bit of olive oil and add salt. I feel like you have a Trader Joe’s but it’s not super close and convenient? If it’s kind of sort of a little bit close, go now! 🤣🤣

  2. Mignon, Thank you. I know you have your own story of your loved one gone too soon and my heart goes out to you. I’m so grateful for you friend.

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. ALS is such a cruel disease. But the way you dealt with your grief yesterday is such an inspiration. You stayed busy but also gave yourself time to “feel the feelings.” That is such a healthy way to get through a day like yesterday. Praying for you and for your friend’s family.

    On a separate subject, tell us about your pancakes. They look AMAZING, especially with the colorful blueberries. I crave pancakes and waffles but hardly ever make them. And what is Holiday Vegetable Hash?

  4. Hope you were soaking in bubbles!!!
    Also, tell you loved ones, “I Love You” because just because we just don’t know when that person might be gone.
    Thank you Miss Julie, for who you are and so carrying!

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