Winter Workshop

My gift to myself yesterday?

A Winter Workshop making a pot for the front porch. This was such a fun afternoon. The weather here was sunny and unseasonably warm and the greenhouse we were at was beautiful! I believe you can do spring pots in a class there as well. I’ll go back next year to do this class again for sure. I may have to go back this week and get everything to make a second pot for the front porch!

This is my friend Carly, and whether it’s a concert, a candle light yoga class or a winter workshop, she’s always coming up with fun things for us to do!

We had a great time at Colonial Gardens in Blue Springs, Missouri.

The fee of the class included a container full of compost and a bundle of fun things to arrange in your pot. It felt like you couldn’t really mess this up. You also had the option to add extras.

So therapeutic playing with these branches and a pot of dirt.

There was a cute patio there with a small cafe so we stayed after the workshop for a cup of Pumpkin soup and a coffee by the fire. Such a fun afternoon.

Then over to Jakes house to paint for a bit. They have me on cut in duty, which I actually enjoy. There’s something about watching that bead of paint glide along the wall.

After reaching out to the trainer and letting her know that I didn’t get my workout in Thursday Friday or Saturday, she replied back to keep my Sunday as a rest day and get started today. While Sunday was anything but restful, we called it a rest day.

I didn’t take any pictures of my food yesterday except for my Pumpkin soup. I’ve struggled with the sweets in the house since Thanksgiving and I can feel it in my body. Ridding the house of all leftover sweets today and back to my routine.

I hope you had a great weekend and that you’re ready to get your week started!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”