Productive day yesterday finishing up Christmas shopping. Have you ever shopped to fill 19 Christmas stockings??? I feel like I’ve been shopping to fill stockings for dayzzzzzz…lol.

I spent the evening making a list of what I still need. Each year, I grab plastic bags, one for each stocking, and write with a sharpie each persons name on a bag. Then I fill them so when it’s time to actually fill the stockings, everything is already separated. It also helps me see what I still might need, or if I’ve overdone a tad. Which is usually the case. The girls have too much to fill the stocking and I draw a blank on what to get for the males. In the end, it always comes together just fine.
More Good News!
Squeezing in one more doctors appointment before the end of the year.
I went to see a pulmonologist yesterday afternoon to go over my sleep apnea test that I had back in August. After finding out I had mild sleep apnea, I looked into a dental device (suggested before going with the CPAP machine). That was crazy expensive out of pocket, so I put it on the back burner. After my recent physical, my doctor suggested I meet with a pulmonologist and discuss my sleep apnea test.

Also….somebody needs a haircut!!
I was hesitant to meet with this doc as I really didn’t want to add this to my nightly bedtime routine, but also, I want to get a good nights sleep.
After a lengthy chat with the doc (We clicked. Sometimes that just happens. He was one of those docs that answered all of my questions without me having to ask), he told me my mild sleep apnea was not a health risk, but more of a quality of life concern. I was really happy to hear him say that. I filled out a questionnaire about how sleepy I do or do not feel throughout the day and that also helped decided where to go with this. There are so many different variations of sleep apnea! Anywho……we agreed that I did not need the CPAP machine for now.
He suggest sleeping on my side rather than on my back. After neck issues years ago, it was suggested that I sleep on my back, so that is what I’ve gotten used to doing.
With the proper pillow so I avoid any neck issues, sleeping on my side may be all I need to do for now to get a good nights sleep.
I’ve kind of joked about the sleep room I made for myself several months ago, but Mike and I do have a very different bedtime routine. After almost 25 years of going to bed with the TV on, I’ve discovered I sleep better with the room dark and quiet and my essential oil diffuser going. Mike has a hard time falling asleep without the TV on and finds my essential oils to be stinky.
What’s an empty nester to do with those extra bedrooms? Make a sleep room! It was a little odd at first, and it still is at times, but it’s all about getting a good nights sleep which is a huge party of living a healthy life, and like the doc says….This is about your quality of life.
If I decide later that I still don’t feel like I’m sleeping well, then we can revisit.
How about you?
Do you have a sleep routine?
A bedtime ritual?
Do you sleep with someone that snores?
Do you snore and keep your partner awake?
Do you yourself have sleep apnea?
Do you have a sleep room? I’d love to know the answer to this!
Okay, yesterday…….
An outdoor 3 mile walk after a 40 minute upper body workout.
Two scrambled eggs, avocado, toast with almond butter and berries.
Snack – Not a low calorie snack, but whole ingredients and OH SO good!
I hadn’t been to Sprouts in forever. I’d forgotten about these and how much I love them.
Coconut Date Rolls – Two ingredients. Dates and Coconut.
Mini Medjools – Three ingredients. Dates, pecans and cacao powder.
Ugly plate of food, but it was almost 8:00 pm and I wanted quick, but tasty.
Love these sweet potatoes from Trader Joe’s. The only ingredient is sweet potatoes. They are chunks that you microwave, then stir. That’s it. I made my salmon in the skillet with olive oil, seasoned with coarse sea salt and cracked black pepper.
It’s a tad windy here this morning! I’ve picked this tree up twice. Be careful out there.

Have an amazing day!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I think I’m going to go out there and bungee cord that tree to the railing!😂
The leaf blower….🤣🤣🤣.
Always making me giggle!!!
Oh no! Your poor back porch tree! I’d just read about the wind storms heading your way. Stay safe! After our horrendous weekend of tornadoes, any little puff of a breeze and I’m ducking for cover! Love your organization and routine for all those stockings. Impressive! (said she, with only 6 stockings and 1 of those belongs to the dog …) Also, I’m so glad you found a great pulmonologist and hurray for getting to forego a CPAP! I’ve had one for more than a decade and it’s a life-changer for me. But get this – the new ones monitor your every breath via wifi. My sleep doc wants me to get one but I hate the idea of having ANYone or anyTHING invading my bedroom! AS IF?! My son said he’ll just bring in the leaf blower and hook me up … Sorry I’ve not commented in a few days, but be assured I never miss a single one of your posts! Have a great Wednesday!