Good morning from my bed! Ha! I slept in a tad this morning and decided I’d just stay right here while I share my yesterday.
I’m feeling all the warm and fuzzy feels these last few days. Several things happening with family that has me feeling extremely lucky to have such a big family. Whether it’s being able to help someone out, lend an ear to listen, have an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on, I know Mike and I are extremely lucky to have both of our parents, four kids all with a great spouse, and number 10 grand child due any day.
We spent yesterday over at Jake’s new house wrapping up a few things as the movers come today! There are still some things that they would like to do at their new house over the next several weeks, but they are hoping to sleep there before Christmas! Yesterday was finishing up some painting, then clean up and moving kitchen appliances back in place.
Mama is ready for this little guy to get here!

Coffee, almond milk
Almond Butter and Banana Waffle sandwich
Leftover Buffalo Chicken Dip, veggies, plantains and a few shrimp. Random, I know.

A 20 minute Yoga class in front of the fire in my pj’s yesterday morning. Not a bad way to start my day!

Just a quick post today. Lot’s on the agenda for the day.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”