I Have That!

Good morning to you all! (Tons of typos in this post, I am aware but running behind and need to jump in the shower!) I spent Sunday through Thursday in Dallas celebrating my daughter Tess. Due to the leg brace, I flew first class.   Okay, I flew Southwest. So you get that’s a joke, right? But I was able to sit in the front row so I could keep my leg straight. We had such a great time. We spent a lot of time wedding planning. Tess pushed me around Hobby lobby in a wheelchair. I drove the electric car through Michaels. We had great girl chat. We were successful and accomplished lots of wedding planning for the reception. I got to see the event space for the reception and it is even better than I imagined it would be. This visit was one of the first times since all […]

Good Food, Bad Knee

I am so happy that I took all of the foods out of my house that I would have been tempted to binge on. I pretty much sat on my ass Friday, Saturday and Sunday while recovering from this unexpected knee surgery. It would have been so easy to eat my way though the fridge and pantry, but my options were fruits and veggies and lean meats and eggs, so I successfully avoided a binge. Monday I hobbled around the house on one crutch thinking I was Wonder Woman. By the end of Tuesday I noticed I might be doing too much. Sitting still for long periods of time is really hard for me to do, so I was feeling super antsy, but I did my best to get a balance of rest and get shit done. Wednesday the realization that I was not going to be able to drive as soon […]

A Quick “Hello”

My last blog post I mentioned that we were going to Dallas for our daughters Engagement Party. The party was beautiful I’ll share pictures after Tess and Manuel have the opportunity to do that first. We met so many great people that are important to Tess and Manuel and it felt great to be able to put a face to a name. Unfortunately, Manuel had an Uncle that became very ill (he has not been well for quite sometime) as he was going to his car at the end of the party. The ambulance came and we were all at the ER within minutes with his family. His uncle spent the next several days in the hospital and passed away on Friday. Right now the focus for Tess and Manuel is on his family and surrounding them with love and support. Prayers are welcomed. I’ll share details of the party when it feels […]

Member First – Leader Second

Yesterday morning I went to my WW meeting as a member, excited for my first weigh in back on plan after several months of focusing on healing.  I was also quite pleased with the activity points that I had earned my first week back on plan!   After an awesome week of tracking and paying attention to my portions, earning 6 out of 7 Blue Dots (It’s a WW thing in the app that keeps you motivated to stay within a healthy eating range of points), walking and counting steps, saying “no” to things that would not help me reach my goals and saying “yes” to things that will help me, basically having a really healthy and “in control” week, I stepped on the scale and was down 0.2 pounds. Yep, that’s right. Down 0.2. What?? Here is what went on inside my head yesterday as a WW Member and […]

Feeling in Control of Me

It feels so great to be back in a routine and to feel so in control of life. I have noticed that over the years as a WW member, when I track my food and I take the time to meal plan, I feel so in control. Feeling in control of my food, for some reason makes me feel so much more control in every aspect of my life. Things feel really good right now. Yesterday was another full day, just the way I like it. I got in a great walk at a park by my moms house. I spent a good part of the day with my mom, having lunch together and taking her to the doctor. I worked at a great WW meeting last night. WW meetings are always great really.  I got caught up on the TV show Rise. Anyone watching?? I hadn’t been to this […]

Total Transparency

Happy Friday to you all! I keep trying to write a blog post to completely catch up from my last post, then it turns into this long boring post. My need to feel completely caught up is a total OCD thing that I have about blogging! lol I’ve decided to keep this simple and get to the point. You’re welcome. Besides, it’s almost 10:00 pm and I’m pooped! This has been a great week! I went back to working at WW meetings, I have tracked my food and counted points, I have walked and stretched every day since Monday while tracking my steps on my fitbit, and today I went to my Weight Watcher meeting! I’m feeling very appreciative of this life that I have. I’m even planning meals and cooking! Do you dance when you make your meatloaf? Well, you should.   By the way, this is my new favorite Target […]

I’m Almost There

Hi Friends and Welcome New Readers! Thank you to Prevention Magazine for featuring my blog on their website and bringing me some new friends! They did a small feature about my blog in the magazine last Fall, then recently asked if they could share my blog online. Um….YES! I first feel like I should apologize to my new subscribers for not being the Weight Watcher blog you signed up to follow. However, I will be back to Weight Watcher blogging very soon! For now, I’m focusing on this dumb breast cancer and getting my body back. (Please make self breast exams a part of your monthly routine. Six months after a 3D mammogram, I found my lump and had it checked out!) Tomorrow I will be having my third surgery. I will be having a full hysterectomy and my new breast will be having a few revisions. After surgery, I’m on […]

WW Freestyle Fiesta!

I haven’t hosted any sort of social get together in months! When Weight Watchers offered the opportunity for WW Ambassadors to host a Freestyle Fiesta, I gladly accepted! On Tuesday morning, I hosted a Freestyle Fiesta Brunch for a few friends. It was so fun to have a houseful of girl friends on a cold and dreary Ice/Snow Day! You all know I love to play in the kitchen, but I will say that fixing food for a large crowd stresses me out. I can’t boil water and carry on a conversation. I can have 10 different things going on in the kitchen, but carrying on a conversation can NOT be one of those 10 things. That being said my Crockpot Breakfast Casserole was not completely cooked and I realized it after I’d told every one to dig in. My Enchilada recipe had great flavor, but I did not buy chopped […]

Dining Out on WW Freestyle

These last few days have been filled with coffee/lunch dates with family and friends. Today is 6 weeks post op and I am ready to go back to work at WW February 1st. I had so many people that I wanted to meet up with over the last two or three weeks and it’s been nice to catch up with everyone. I’m behind a few days in a blog post with what I’ve been eating so I’ll fill this post with food. I feel so in control right now with my eating and it is such a good feeling! Having meals out has felt easy to me with the new Freestyle. I have guessed on Smartpoints with a few things, but I know that I’ve made good choices and everything I’ve ordered has tasted great! Do you find it easier to eat out on Weight Watcher Freestyle? If so, tell me what you’re […]

How Are You WWFreestyling?

I gotta tell ya, with all of the new Zero Smartpoint foods with Weight Watchers Freestyle, I’ve been super focused on what I could do with Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt, Chicken Breast and Eggs. I have not been super focused on veggies. I truly believe that balance and variety are key for me in remaining on track and feeing satisfied. When I work in a variety of foods, veggies included, not only do I feel satisfied in the fact that I have a ton of options of foods to eat, but my tastebuds are satisfied too, and that helps keeps my cravings to a minimum. Fruit and Nut Butters help to keep my sugar cravings to a minimum. Meals packed with protein keep me full from meal to meal and that helps keep unnecessary snacking to a minimum. Incorporating a variety of veggies into my meals not only gives me […]