I’m In A Strange Place

Hi Friends… The blog is lacking my attention and I am struggling with that a bit. I am 9 weeks post op my double mastectomy and I have 6 weeks to go until my reconstruction surgery. I’m In a Strange Place. As most of you know, the blog is my journal. It keeps me accountable with the choices that I make. It encourages me to set goals. It lets me connect with people and it provides a place for me to vent when I feel the need. I am having a hard time getting here to blog for a few different reasons. Changing things up is what I do and how I roll. Variety is one of the things that keeps life exciting for me. I think the blog reflects that. I like to set new goals, try new things, then blog about them in hopes that others find new things that they […]

Tracking – The Weight Watcher App

Since life went a little whacko these last several months, daily tracking of my food and activity in my Weight Watcher App fell to the bottom of my priority list. I’m feeling much more like myself and adding tracking back into my day sounds like a great way to pass the next couple of months while I anxiously await my reconstructive surgery in December. This “in between surgery” time feels really weird. It’s like I’m “on hold” with life and unsure of what to do with myself. Life will get back to normal and then go backwards again for a bit. I’ve decided the best way to not feel “on hold” is to go back to the routine that I know best. My Weight Watcher week begins on Friday, so I tracked yesterday and it felt good to feel in control of my day.   Do You Track? I was reminded […]


I’m feeling very lost in my Weight Watcher Membership, my role as a Weight Watcher Leader and my reality of being a Patient right now. I knew this part of things would get to me at some point, I just wasn’t sure when. Well, that’s happening now. I have some new followers, so just a brief update. Brief, I swear. My goal weight is 160. I’m comfortable there, but it is difficult for me to maintain. My weight for about the last three years (or more) has been around 170. 172 to be exact. The doc say’s I’m super healthy and if I like 172, I’m good. I do feel good at that weight physically and mentally and had come to accept it. I eat a pretty clean diet, I’m active and I feel that my mind is in a good place. I feel confident in my role as a […]

Weigh-In Results!

  Edit: Jan 4, 2020 As I was updating my blog I found it interesting to go back into some old post where I was so focused on the scale. The below post is when I was eager to get to my goal weight of 150, a weight I would later discover was not realistic for me. My highest weight was 212 and I am currently living a healthy and happy life in the lower 170’s.   This is how my Thursday morning started. Are you jealous?   I was really looking forward to my weigh-in this morning. I still can’t believe the weight is actually coming off. There were many times that I really just thought there was no way I could weigh below 160. Today I was really hoping for 154……and I weighed….. 153.8! I was so excited, I ran in Kohl’s (it’s right beside my meeting) to […]

What I Weigh, What I Think, What I Ate

I will NOT discuss Pumpkin today. You are Welcome.  What I Weigh, What I Think, What I Ate I FINALLY stepped outside of the box. The house, that is. I got out of the house on Tuesday! I had a great session with the trainer, (I am super sore, so I suppose I worked hard!), I went to lunch at a friends to discuss a “Girl’s Trip” to Chicago with some friends, I went to the grocery store, I mowed the yard AND I took the dogs for a good walk/run. I figured they could use the run just as much as I could, and it worked out really well, because they took a nice long nap when we got back home. Unfortunately, I was so excited to get them out for a walk, I completely forgot about the groceries in the trunk until I went to start dinner! Egads. […]

The Beginning

This is day one of my blog. It has taken me about six weeks to figure out how to do a blog………probably shouldn’t be admitting that? I hope by putting it all out there, I will be able to reach my weight loss goal with a little humor, and hopefully encourage others to do the same. I plan to blog about the food I eat, my excercise routine, my mood and how it affects my weight loss, and recipes I’ve found that make the weight loss journey and the lifestyle change a bit more enjoyable! I hope you’ll follow me!