Parade Today! Hope the Rain Waits!!

Slacking on blogging the last two days, busy as heck with everything else!!

I am proud to say that my newly decorated guest room is coming along nicely and might be done before I go to bed Sunday night!!!

Pictures to come…..

The Downtown Overland Park Parade that my dad and I have been preparing for is today, and the forecast does NOT look good!! But I’m heading out the door anyhow to see what Pop’s wants to do.

I owe my readers a chicken recipe for Thursday and Friday. I did make something “chicken” on Thursday, but Friday night we went out to dinner. I’ll be cooking a Chicken “Pinterest” recipe for tonights dinner and staying in, so hopefully I can write a nice long blog tomorrow and catch you all up on my current weight, where I am at mentally about my current weight, and my plans for the next 8 weeks! My birthday is in 8 weeks and I WILL WEIGH MY GOAL WEIGHT OF 150!!!

Here is a VERY simple lunch or dinner idea.

Chicken Salad Wrap for One!!


2 T. Tzatziki Sauce

1/2 C. Broccoli Slaw

6 oz. Cooked Chicken

Lettuce Leaves










 I don’t think it really needs a lot of explanation. But it is Easy, Healthy and 8 PPV!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”