Today? Mother’s Day Out!

 All a mom wants sometimes is a day to herself, no matter how much she loves her kids.




After going out of town last weekend, these two have literally have been driving me nuts! They are SO much like two little kids. They want my constant attention, especially after we have been out of town, and if they don’t get it, they are either at my feet whining, or pouting on the couch, which is exactly what is happening here. 

Oh, and Mishka would like a treat.



I dropped them off at the groomer’s this morning, then planned out my day.



paint the chairs in the basement and put new fabric on them……

laundry…..ahhhh, a nice long list to keep me busy throughout the day.

Yesterday, Wednesday, was the one day a week that I work at the Food Truck, Beauty of the Bistro. It was really chilly outside and all I could think about was a nice big warm bowl of food. Any food. Big… a bowl……and warm. I had decided before I left for the day to work at the truck, that I would not eat anything at the food truck. Now, keep in mind, there are several options that I COULD eat at the food truck, and still be healthy, but sometimes once I start sampling things, it’s hard to stop. When I got there, the first thing that I spotted was a mini Apple Pie with Buttercream Frosting, that looked and smelled delicious, and I knew I would be tempted all afternoon, but I was feeling STRONG! 

This is the view that I have for the four hours that I am there…..

Possibly the best 8 oz burger you have ever put in your mouth…….topped with cheese and Bacon JAM!!!! See the one in the back row? It was calling my name, I could hear it.



Three Cheese Mac! This is served with Craw Fish, Corn and Green Onions……all sautéed in butter and poured over the top! My biggest challenge is not picking up a fork and taking a big bite of the mac and cheese every 15 minutes. I didn’t have ONE bite yesterday!


This is the pulled pork that goes on top of the Boom Boom Tacos. Occasionally, I will have a dish of this over some mixed greens, without the tortillas, but add the slaw that it is served with it and the homemade salsa and aioli. It is to DIE for.



 I ate it like that last week.



Yesterday, the lovely chef at Beauty of the Bistro, Sidney, was talking about a new burger she was in the middle of creating and possibly adding to the menu.  She cooked one up, cut it into fourths, and set two of those fourths in front of me. Holy Toledo, it was delicious, and I don’t even LIKE Blue Cheese!! It had some kind of Apple Salsa on it and a slice of some kind of Blue Cheese melted on it. Of course I didn’t take a picture, because I was only going to taste it.  I ate what she put in front of me. 

She has another dish that is one of my favorites. It’s called the “Cowboy Skillet”. It’s veggies, Chicken and Sausage, and its warm, and its served in a big bowl, (a paper bowl…it is a Food Truck people) and it’s delicious. So I had a “small” bowl of that for the rest of my lunch. Then all I could think about was more warm food, in a bowl. Chili for dinner?

While I did get the afternoon snacking under control yesterday, I procrastinated the exercise just long enough that it never happened.

I have not weighed since Friday, and I have no desire to at my meeting tomorrow. I’m sure “coach” will advise that this is NOT a good idea. After a Happy Hour cheese overload a couple of weeks ago, I was successful in getting back on track right away with lots of water and a high protein diet. I know what works for me, and I know what I need to do. I didn’t binge yesterday, but my food choices did not include a lot of veggies, and I could have worked harder to make better choices. I think my goal yesterday was simply not to snack all afternoon, and I did succeed in that. 

I feel focused today, and I will keep myself busy. The sun is shining and I have lots planned, so here is to a great day!!

I hope your’s is great as well!

Here are yesterday’s eats……


Greek Yogurt Banana Bread Protein Pancake






Snack – I have HUGE hands, so you can imagine………







Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.

I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.

I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.

I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.


The food I ate and it’s PPV


Breakfast = Greek Yogurt Banana Bread Protein Pancakes, Coffee with skim milk (8)

Lunch = Cowboy Skillet, Half Burger (12?)

Snack = Grapes….crazy, HUGE, grapes. (0)

Dinner = Turkey Chili, Baked Tostitos, Cheese (10)


Total = 30


Today’s Exercise = none


How many glasses of water I drank today = 10

Activity Points Earned Today = 0

Activity Points Earned This Week = 0

Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 0

Alcohol consumption = none


“love the life you live, live the life you love”